The formation of bacterial plaque, which is usually caused by poor dental hygiene, is the leading cause of pyorrhoea. Other factors could include inappropriate or rushed brushing, incorrect use of toothpicks, untreated gum injuries, deposition of food particles, and unhealthy eating habits. They can all heavily influence your dental health. Excess sugar and other unhealthy meals can lead to an increase in the number of germs in your mouth, resulting in pyorrhea. Deficiencies in some vitamins or minerals might also act as triggers. The good news is that it is a minor ailment that you can easily treat with a few simple home remedies listed below. Keep scrolling to know more!

Pyorrhea Treatment with Home Remedies:

1. Lemon Juice

Raw lemon juice may be effective in the treatment of pyorrhoea (2). You can take some lemon juice on your fingertips and gently massage it all over your gums. It can give you a burning sensation in the beginning but will eventually stop the bleeding. Regular use can definitely improve the condition of your gums and teeth.

2. Mustard Oil

Massaging your gums with mustard oil is also effective in treating pyorrhoea (3). After brushing your teeth, you can take some mustard oil and add a pinch of salt to it. Massage your gums with this mixture using the tip of your forefinger. In case of excess pain in the gums, you can soak an earbud or cotton ball in this mixture and gently massage your gums

3. Guava

Being a rich source of Vitamin C, guava is considered an excellent tonic for teeth. Chewing unripe guava fruit sprinkled with a pinch of salt is also a great home remedy for pyorrhoea. One can also consider chewing the tender leaves of the guava fruit. This will keep the teeth healthy and stop gum bleeding (4).

4. Alum and Pomegranate Rind

This is an effective remedy to cure pyorrhoea. Just take 500 grams of dried rind of pomegranate and 10 grams each of alum (phitkari), black pepper and Epsom salt (sendha namak). Grind these ingredients to form a fine powder and sieve it. Clean your teeth twice a day with this powder regularly for beneficial results.

5. Carrot and Spinach

Carrot and spinach are great for oral hygiene (5), (6). You can prepare a soup of carrot and spinach and have it as part of your diet. Alternatively, you can consider mixing equal quantities of carrot and spinach juice and drinking this mixture every day for best results.

6. Sesame Oil

Gargling with sesame oil is also beneficial in treating pyorrhoea. Fill your mouth with sesame oil and hold on for around 10 minutes. Swish the oil inside your mouth for a few seconds and then spit it out. This will soothe your gums and stop gum bleeding. This is one of the best home remedies for pyorrhea that is also effective in treating other dental problems (7).

7. Castor Oil, Camphor, And Honey

Prepare a paste by blending 200 ml castor oil, 100 ml honey, and 5 grams of camphor. Dip a twig of Neem in this paste and rub this mixture on your teeth and gums. Consider doing this daily for best results.

8. Orange and Banana Peels

You can peel off the skin of an orange and rub it on your gums to treat pyorrhoea. Doing this can smear your teeth with Vitamin C, which may stop bleeding (8). The inner fibrous side of the banana peel is also effective in healing the receding gums. The inner threadlike peel of the banana helps in maintaining dental health (9). So make sure to eat the banana with this threadlike peel.

9. Banyan Bark

Boil some pieces of banyan bark in a vessel filled with water for about half an hour. Allow it to cool for a while. Strain and filter this water and gargle with it. This is extremely effective in curing pyorrhoea.

10. Onion

Onion may be effective in the treatment of pyorrhoea due to its anti-protozoal activity (10). All you need to do is keep a piece of onion or onion seed i.e. kalonji in your mouth, below your teeth. Leave it till the saliva starts dripping from your mouth. This will help in reducing inflammation of the gums. Is pyorrhea contagious? Check out the infographic below to know more! Yes, pyorrhea is contagious as the bacteria present in the mouth may be passed on to another by sharing drinks or through saliva. However, not everyone who comes in contact with the pathogen develops pyorrhea. Prolonged exposure over several months and improper oral hygiene put individuals at risk of developing pyorrhea. What is the difference between gingivitis and pyorrhea? Gingivitis refers to the inflammation of the gums and usually precedes pyorrhea (also called periodontitis), a more serious condition involving inflammation of the hard tissues surrounding the teeth. Can pyorrhea be cured permanently? Pyorrhea can be cured when treatment begins at its early stages. Which toothpaste is best for pyorrhea? Any Medicated toothpaste formulated with antimicrobials and other ingredients that fight infection and gum disease is good for pyorrhea. For specific recommendations, consult your dentist.
