What Are Silverfish?

Silverfish are small insects that do not have wings. They belong to the order Zygentoma and are named so because of their silvery gray color and fish-like movement.

How Do Silverfish Affect Humans?

Silverfish do not bite or cause diseases in humans, and hence, are not much of a threat. However, they can damage papers, articles of clothing, books, food in pantries, and even wallpapers. If you notice small holes in your books or clothing, along with a yellow staining, more or less, it is a sign that your house has been infested by silverfish. Silverfish usually reside in warm, dark, and damp places like the bathroom, sink, or garages. If you notice silverfish infestation in your house, you may either contact pest control or try and get rid of the little beings yourself by following any of the home remedies given below.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Silverfish

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish Naturally

1. Essential Oils

a. Lavender Oil

1 teaspoon of lavender oil 1 cup of water

You must do this once daily. The strong aroma of lavender oil is believed to repel silverfish and eliminate them (1).

b. Peppermint Oil

10-12 drops of peppermint essential oil 1 cup of water

Do this daily for effective results. The strong aroma of peppermint oil, like that of lavender oil, is enough to repel silverfish. In fact, most essential oils have insect-repelling properties because of their concentrated odor. Essential oils of tea tree, cinnamon, and eucalyptus are some other great options to eliminate silverfish (2).

2. Boric Acid

Boric acid Do this once daily. Boric acid is a mineral that is poisonous to many insects. It can lead to the dehydration of insects, leading to their ultimate death. Thus, it is a great option for getting rid of silverfish as well (3),(4).

3. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth Take some diatomaceous earth and sprinkle it over the silverfish infested areas within your home. You must do this once daily. Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring rock that is found to exhibit toxic effects on insects. Like boric acid, it can cause dehydration of insects and kill them (5),(6).

4. Borax

2 tablespoons of borax 2 tablespoons of sugar

You must do this once daily, preferably at night. Borax is a salt of boric acid. This salt is highly toxic to insects, including silverfish, and can help you get rid of them in a matter of days (7). Mixing sugar with borax acts as a bait as silverfish cannot resist anything sugary.

5. Cloves

Cloves You must do this every once in a while until you succeed in getting rid of all the silverfish. Cloves are widely used as insect repellents because of their strong odor. The powerful aroma of cloves is due to the presence of eugenol, which repels silverfish and eliminates them from your homes (8),(9).

6. Cinnamon

Cinnamon sticks or powder Replace the cinnamon every week or so before it loses its potency. Cinnamon also possesses a strong aroma that is quite repulsive to insects like silverfish. Its strong aroma is due to the presence of cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamon also contains many essential oils and resinous compounds that impart insect repellent properties to it (10),(11).

7. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt You can do this once every evening. Epsom salt can also be used as a natural insecticide (12). When insects such as silverfish ingest this salt, they will be eliminated from your homes within no time. However, there is no scientific research to back up this claim.

8. Lemon Spray

1 lemon Water

Do this daily, preferably at night. Most insects are repelled by the smell of anything citric. This is why a vast majority of citrus oils are used for keeping insects at bay. Thus, the use of citrus fruit extracts like lemon is an excellent way to steer clear of silverfish. Lemon peels also contain limonene that acts as a great insect repellent (13).

9. Rosemary

Fresh or dried rosemary Replace the sachets with fresh ones every week or two. Almost all fresh and strong aromas repel silverfish and other insects, and rosemary is no exception. While this herb may smell fresh and pleasant to us, it has the opposite effect on silverfish and can help us in getting rid of them in no time.

10. Oatmeal Trap

1/2 cup of powdered oatmeal A glass jar A broad tape

Repeat this every few months whenever you face silverfish infestation. A jar trap is one of the best ways to steer clear of these pesky creatures. Silverfish are easily attracted to anything starchy, like oatmeal. Once they fall inside the jar containing powdered oats, there is no way for them to climb back. So, you can easily trap all the silverfish inside multiple jars and throw them away later (14). If you are yet to experience a silverfish infestation or have just succeeded in getting rid of them, you are lucky. To prevent infestation in the future, you may follow the prevention tips mentioned below.

Prevention Tips

Fix the damp spots in your homes that may be the perfect spots for silverfish to breed. Keep away anything that may look inviting to silverfish. Store papers, book bindings, and glues in plastic bins. Vacuum all the cracks and crevices in your home. Use insect repellents or bug sprays in cracks and corners for further protection.

Should I be worried if I see one silverfish? Yes. If you see one silverfish, it is likely that it is part of a colony of hundreds living inside your walls, ceilings, or other wet regions. A single silverfish could be the start of a more significant infestation. Considering the conditions silverfish thrive in, it could also indicate that your living situation is unsanitary. Do moth balls repel silverfish? Yes. Placing moth balls around where silverfish have been seen is an effective way to get rid of them. The smell of mothballs is repulsive to silverfish. However, mothballs do not kill silverfish. Instead, they deter silverfish from the areas where they are placed. Does bleach get rid of silverfish? Yes. Bleach kills silverfish due to its active components that rapidly dehydrate them. Even though there are many alternative ways to get rid of silverfish infestations in the home, bleaching is the fastest, simplest, and cheapest method.