Identifying the condition is the first step towards tackling someone emotionally immature. Then, you have to approach this person with patience and perseverance. Remember, the traits mentioned above can make interactions with emotionally immature people difficult and lead to awkward public situations. In this article, we have listed 10 signs that point towards an emotionally immature adult and how you can deal with them. Continue reading to know more. The American Psychological Association defines emotional immaturity as “a tendency to express emotions without restraint or disproportionately to the situation.” (2) The AIFC further elaborates why some people are emotionally immature. Like most psychological disorders, the cause of emotional immaturity is rooted in the person’s childhood. Discouragement to express sadness or anger, lack of guidance to deal with conflicts, stresses of growing up, and inability to seek help and support are a few reasons for ignorance, defensiveness, and impulsivity (1). Emotional immaturity is a complex behavioral and psychological issue faced by many. However, knowing the telltale signs can be an advantage while dealing with an emotionally immature person.

10 Signs Of An Emotionally Immature Person

An emotionally immature person thinks that they are the most important person, which prevents them from understanding that both parties have equal importance in a relationship. If you identify more than one trait that your husband, wife, parent, or colleague exhibits, you know what’s the source of your frustration and dissatisfaction. But there are ways to deal with an emotionally immature person. Scroll down to find out.

How To Deal With An Emotionally Immature Person

Draw Healthy Boundaries

Dealing with an emotionally immature person can eventually become toxic, whether your parent, spouse, friend or colleague. Therefore, it is best to draw healthy boundaries. Stop making excuses for them – defending them or giving in to a heated argument. Give them their due attention and politely take your leave while working, watching a show, or just enjoying your “me time”.

Show Your Support

The last thing you want to do while dealing with an emotionally immature person is withdrawing your support. It will only aggravate their emotional behavior. Listen to them when they act impulsively and lay out possible solutions. Show them your support by appreciating their true talents and lend a helping hand even if they don’t ask for it.

Have A Heart-To-Heart Conversation

If you are in a relationship with an emotionally immature boyfriend or girlfriend, it is important to sit down with them and have a heart-to-heart conversation. Tell them that you do not hold any grudges and are there to make peace. But you are also disturbed by their behavior, and it costs your happiness. Putting out the word there can have two outcomes – either they understand, or they don’t. At least, you will have a definitive answer to move forward. Is emotional immaturity a mental illness? Check out the infographic below for some tips to regulate your emotions and improve your emotional intelligence. No. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders doesn’t list emotional immaturity as a mental disorder. However, in some extreme cases, its characteristics may align with some symptoms of narcissistic, anti-social, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders. How do emotionally immature men love? An emotionally immature man may deflect deep conversations and blame. As a result, they cannot form an intimate connection as they are not in touch with their emotions.
