This post discusses some practical techniques that you can follow to free your teeth of buildup and restore good oral health.

Natural Ways To Remove Tartar And Plaque From Teeth

1. Brush Your Teeth Properly

Brushing your teeth properly after every meal prevents the formation of tartar. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush for brushing, and brush at all angles over all the teeth surfaces so that they are thoroughly cleaned. Remember to always hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line.

2. Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride toothpaste helps increase the concentration of fluoride in the teeth, which strengthens them and prevents dental cavities. Using fluoride toothpaste helps to remineralize the areas affected by decay and protects them from the bacteria responsible for tartar formation (1). You Will Need A fluoride toothpaste What You Have To Do Take a sufficient amount of fluoride toothpaste on your toothbrush and brush your teeth diligently. How Often Should You Do This Do this at least twice a day.

3. Tartar Control Toothpaste

Tartar control toothpaste contains chemical ingredients, such as pyrophosphates, zinc citrate, fluoride, etc. These ingredients prevent the build-up of tartar and have an anticaries effect on your teeth (2). Some tartar-control toothpaste is also found to contain an antibiotic called triclosan that is responsible for killing certain oral bacteria (3). You Will Need A tartar control toothpaste What You Have To Do Brush your teeth with a tartar control toothpaste. How Often Should You Do This Do this at least twice a day.

4. Baking Soda Mixture

Baking soda soothes the teeth and gums and exerts an antibacterial effect on plaque and tartar (4). This could help in preventing tartar and whitening your teeth.

1 tablespoon baking soda A pinch of salt Toothbrush

Use this every alternate day for quick results. Once the plaque is cleared, you can continue using this remedy once every 7-10 days.

5. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera possesses antimicrobial properties and contains antioxidants that can fasten the healing of the gums by scavenging the free radicals produced by the bacteria (5). Lemon essential oil possesses antifungal properties against C. albicans,fungi that are found on our skin and certain parts of the body (6). This can help prevent tartar and caries.

1 teaspoon aloe vera gel 4 teaspoons vegetable glycerine 4-5 tablespoons baking soda 10 drops lemon essential oil 1 cup of water

Use it once in 3-4 days until the plaque is completely gone. Note: Do not use this remedy for a long period as glycerine can interrupt the remineralization process of your teeth.

6. Sesame Seed Oil

Sesame oil is rich in bioactive compounds that exhibit antioxidant, detoxification, and antibiotic properties (7). It is traditionally used for oil pulling as it can reduce plaque-induced gingivitis and free radical injury that accompany dental caries.

1 tablespoon sesame seeds Toothbrush

Do this twice a week.

7. Floss Regularly

Flossing is an excellent way to remove plaque and food particles between the teeth. Flossing the teeth prevents the formation of tartar and helps you maintain good oral hygiene. Floss cleans not only between the teeth but also between the gums, thus keeping dental caries and gum diseases at bay (8). You Will Need Dental floss What You Have To Do How Often Should You Do This Do this at least twice daily.

8. Antiseptic Oral Cleanser Or Peroxide Solution For Gargling

Both the mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide are antimicrobial. This solution helps to loosen and remove tartar (9), (10).

1 tablespoon antiseptic mouthwash 3 tablespoons 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

Repeat this twice a week.

9. Use A Dental Pick

You can use a dental pick (available in stores) to remove hardened tartar from your teeth. It can help you scrape it out gently. You Will Need Dental pick What You Have To Do Repeat this twice a day. Note: This should be done with gentle care as picking deep into the gums may cause an infection.

10. Sanguinaria Extract

Bloodroot is a common ingredient in toothpaste as it is an antimicrobial agent and can reduce dental plaque levels (11). Hence, it could be used in reducing dental plaque and gingivitis.

3-4 drops sanguinaria extract (bloodroot) A cup of warm water

Add the bloodroot extract to the warm water and gargle with this mixture. Use this mouthwash every day, preferably twice a day.

11. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is done to get rid of plaque and similar infections. Coconut oil absorbs all impurities from your oral cavity. It also possesses antimicrobial properties that are effective against oral pathogens (12). 1-2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil Repeat this twice or thrice a week. Once tartar is formed, it is difficult to remove it and prevent further build-up. These remedies might take a while to show results, but they will help in preventing tartar formation. Here are a few more tips you can follow to prevent the formation of plaque and tartar on your teeth.

Prevention Tips

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to safeguard the enamel and facilitate the easy removal of plaque on the teeth.

Avoid smoking as tobacco is responsible for the accumulation of tartar under the gum line (13).

Avoid eating foods rich in starch or sugars as they promote bacterial growth in the mouth.

Drink sufficient amount of water after each meal to wash out any food particles in the mouth.

Consume plenty of vitamin C-rich fruits as they improve oral health and prevent gingival inflammation (14).

Schedule periodic appointments with your dentist for general check-up and teeth cleaning.

Why is tartar considered harmful? If tartar is not removed, it keeps on accumulating and calcifying on your teeth and gums. It is hard and porous, and this becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Tartar damages the teeth and gums, which can lead to gingivitis, enamel damage, gum diseases, as well as the loss of teeth. Tartar can also impact bone health by causing bone degeneration or even heart disease in severe cases. Why does tartar build-up on the teeth? Bacterial accumulation causes plaque to form on your teeth. If plaque is not cleared from the teeth, it hardens into tartar. Bad oral hygiene practices and a diet rich in starchy and sugary foods increase the chances of tartar build-up. How long does it take for tartar to form on teeth? On average, it takes about 12 days for tartar to form from plaque. What is the difference between plaque and tartar? Plaque is a soft and colorless film on the gums, wherein the bacteria have started breeding and forming the biofilm. It can be easily removed with daily oral care. When this plaque is not cleaned regularly, it builds up to form a hard and porous yellowish substance around your teeth and gums. This can be very difficult to remove when compared to plaque removal. Does everyone have tartar build-up? No. While most people may observe plaque formation, tartar build-up occurs only when the plaque is not cleared effectively. Does removing tartar hurt? If there is a lot of tartar, the gums are irritated, and the teeth are sensitive, removing the tartar can be uncomfortable. In such cases, doctors administer local anesthesia.
