Lemons can aid in weight loss and protect you from many cardiovascular diseases. Scroll down to know more health benefits of lemons.

13 Health Benefits of Lemons

1. Lemons Boost Your Heart Health

Lemons are among the richest sources of vitamin C (1). Studies show us that fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin C, can prevent coronary heart disease (2). Studies also found that lemon ingestion and walking lowered blood pressure levels (3). Citrus fruits, including lemons, contain essential flavonoids that help in the treatment of atherosclerosis. These compounds blunt the inflammatory responses in the body that can lead to cardiovascular disease (4).

2. May Help Control Weight

Some research shows that the polyphenols in lemons help suppress diet-induced obesity (5). These polyphenols were shown to suppress body weight gain and body fat accumulation. Another study found that the lemon detox diet (organic maple and palm syrups, and lemon juice) helped reduce body fat – thereby reducing body weight and cutting the risk of cardiovascular disease (6). Some theories also suggest that drinking hot lemon water right in the morning can boost weight loss. However, most studies in this regard have been performed on animals. More research on humans is warranted.

3. May Help Treat Kidney Stones

Lemons contain citrate, a chemical that prevents the formation of kidney stones (7). Citrate also breaks down bigger stones, allowing them to pass easily through urine. In a study, drinking four ounces of reconstituted lemon juice in two liters of water every day decreased the rate of stone formation (8). Citrate achieves this by binding to calcium and blocking stone formation (9).

4. May Treat Anemia

Vitamin C in lemons promotes the absorption of iron from plant foods, thereby treating anemia (10). Your gut tends to absorb the iron from animal sources more easily as compared to plant sources. Vitamin C in lemons can help in improving overall iron absorption.

5. May Cancer Treatment

Some observational studies found that individuals consuming citrus fruits, like lemons, had a lower risk of pancreatic cancer (11). Similar findings have been observed in the case of stomach cancer(12). Some experts hypothesize that the anticancer properties of lemons can be attributed to their flavonoids (13). Certain animal studies found that D-limonene, a compound in lemon oil, may have anti-cancer properties (14).

6. May Boost Digestive Health

Some theories suggest that drinking lemon water in the morning can aid digestion and relieve constipation. Drinking lemon water when you wake up may keep your digestive system moving. While, we need more research on this, some also claim that the detoxifying properties of lemons can boost digestion.

7. May Promote Immunity

The vitamin C in lemons can promote immunity in humans. Studies show that this vitamin can reduce the duration of a cold, an ailment that occurs due to a weak immune system (15). Lemons can also have protective effects against asthma. One study shows that individuals with asthma and other bronchial issues benefited from the consumption of vitamin C (16). Mixing lemon with honey may also help treat cough.

8. May Enhance Liver Health

Lemons possess antioxidant properties that may enhance liver health. In one study, lemon juice showed protective effects on mice with alcohol-induced liver injury (17). In another study, citrus fruit oil was found to improve hepatotoxicity in chickens fed with a diet containing aflatoxin (a potent hepatocarcinogen) (18).

9. May Help Fight Acne

Theories suggest that the citric acid in lemons can have a drying effect on the skin, reducing surface sebum levels. The citric acid may also have antiseptic properties, which may eliminate the acne-causing bacteria. Studies show that vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for treating conditions like acne vulgaris (19). However, lemons may not be suitable for some skin types and may cause side effects like burning, stinging, itching, or redness for a few people. Hence, you should always do a patch test before using lemons on your skin. These are a few proven ways in which lemons can benefit you. Lemons have also been used in a few other ways, though there is no concrete research to support their beneficial effects in those applications. Anecdotal evidence supports the benefits covered below.

10. Lemons May Reduce Wrinkles

This may have to do with the vitamin C in lemons. The nutrient boosts collagen and may help reduce wrinkles.

11. May Help Lighten Underarms

Though we don’t know how lemons can help achieve this, some anecdotal evidence suggests it works. Cut thick slices of lemon and rub them on your underarms. Leave the juice on for 10 minutes and then wash your underarms with cool water. Pat them dry and apply moisturizer.

12. May Lighten Stretch Marks

There is very little information on how lemons can help lighten stretch marks. But anecdotal proof tells us they may work. You can slice open a lemon and add the juice to a bowl. Apply this juice, in circular motions, onto your stretch marks. Ensure the juice soaks into your skin. This may take about 5 to 10 minutes. You can then wipe it off. Some theories suggest that the fruit acids in lemons can bleach the skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. After wiping off the lemon juice, you can apply an emollient (like cocoa butter) to the stretch marks. This can soothe and soften the skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

13. May Aid Eczema Treatment

Applying lemon juice to the affected regions may offer some relief. Apply it twice to thrice a day, allowing it to stay for 10 to 15 minutes each time. But since there is very little information regarding this aspect, we suggest you speak to your doctor. These are the various benefits lemons have in store for you. Yes, we know lemons are one of the richest sources of vitamin C. But there are other nutrients these fruits contain that can contribute to your health. What are they?

What Is The Nutritional Value Of Lemons?

Source: USDA A single lemon contains about 16.8 calories and 5.4 grams of carbohydrates. It also contains 30.7 mg of vitamin C (51% of Daily Value), 6.4 mcg of folate (2% of DV), 15.1 mg of calcium (2% of DV), 0.3 mg of iron (2% of DV), and 80 mg of potassium (2% of DV). Now that you know how beneficial lemons can be, let’s help you include them in your daily wellness routine with this simple lemon water recipe.

How To Prepare Lemon Water

Many people enjoy drinking lemon water, especially on hot humid days. It helps keep you hydrated and maintain your electrolyte balance. Ingredients:

Lemon juice (from ½ –1 lemon ) Water – 240ml (1 cup)

Instructions: Drinking freshly squeezed lemon water can help you reap its many health benefits easily. However, there are a few side effects that you must be aware of as well.

Side Effects Of Lemons

While lemons are generally well-tolerated by most people, a small number of people may find themselves allergic to lemons along with other citrus fruits (20). People with dermatitis may also get contact allergies and skin irritation when they come in contact with lemons (21). Excess intake of lemons may even decay your tooth enamel, in addition to the other side effects (22). So, you should make sure to brush your teeth after drinking lemon water. Anecdotal evidence suggests that consuming too much lemon may upset your stomach, cause heartburn, and in rare cases, may even cause GERD. However, this is not yet backed by scientific research.

How to keep lemons fresh? You can store lemons in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator. Storing them this way can keep them fresh for a long time. How long do lemons last? At room temperature, lemons stay fresh for about a week. In the refrigerator, they can last for up to 3 weeks. But cut lemons may last only for 4 days in a refrigerator. Storing lemons (both cut and uncut) in a plastic bag in a refrigerator can extend their shelf life. Is a lemon the same as a lime? They belong to the same citrus family and have the same nutritional values and benefits. The only difference lies in their appearance – while lemons are yellow and bigger, limes are green and smaller. How many lemons can you eat in a day? You can have 2 to 3 lemons a day. Excess intake may lead to the possible side effects mentioned above. Excess intake of lemons can even decay your tooth enamel, in addition to causing other side effects.Thus, be sure to brush your teeth after ingestion. What are the other uses of lemons? You can use lemons in the following ways: • Use lemon peels to clean kitchen surfaces, including microwave ovens. • Add lemon juice to hot water and have lemon tea. • You can also include lemons in your favorite pickles. • Use lemon zest to add flavor to foods. Lemons may also help repel fleas. Simply rubbing a cut lemon over your pet’s fur might help. You can also apply the juice to your pet’s fur using a dropper. Lemon water can also have similar benefits as that of lemons. Are lemons alkaline? Lemons are naturally acidic (with a pH of 2). But they become alkaline once metabolized (to a pH of 7). Does lemon water burn belly fat? No, lemon water helps in reducing body fat by boosting metabolism. But there is no research that suggests lemon water helps in specifically reducing belly fat. Should lemon water be warm or cold? Health experts say that drinking warm or room-temperature lemon water provides more health benefits compared to drinking it cold. Is lemon good for male sperm? No, lemon juice was found to have a low pH, which causes a reduction in sperm movements (23)
