What Are Kidney Stones?

The hard mineral and salt deposits forming inside your kidneys are called kidney stones. Also referred to as renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis, kidney stones usually form as a result of concentrated urine, which leads to the crystallization of minerals.

What Causes Kidney Stones?

When your urine contains substances like calcium, oxalate, and uric acid, which are prone to forming crystals, it gets difficult to dilute them. This eventually leads to the formation of kidney stones. Although there is no definite cause of kidney stone formation, there are many factors that can increase the risk. Such factors include

Urinary tract infections A family history of stones Severe dehydration Certain fruits, vegetables, and nuts Being overweight Some medical conditions like renal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, and hyperparathyroidism Certain medications like topiramate (Topamax)

A kidney stone may not announce its presence until it passes into your ureter, a tube connecting your bladder and kidney. Upon this, you may experience the following symptoms.

Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Pain in the side, below the ribs, and in your back A shooting pain that radiates downwards, towards your groin and lower abdomen Pain while urinating Pink, red or brown urine Nausea or vomiting Restrained urination Cloudy and foul-smelling urine Frequent urination Chills and fever (in case of an infection)

All these symptoms are troublesome and can leave you feeling exasperated and uneasy. This calls for some immediate measures to help you in your struggle against kidney stones and the accompanying pain. Here are some wonderful remedies for this debilitating problem.

Home Remedies To Treat Kidney Stones

How To Treat Kidney Stones Naturally

1. Essential Oils

a. Grapefruit Oil

You Will Need

2 drops of grapefruit oil 1 glass of water

What You Have To Do Add 2 drops of grapefruit oil to a glass of water and consume daily. How Often You Should Do This Twice daily. Why This Works Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) essential oil has natural diuretic and antioxidant properties that can help flush the toxins out of your body. The oil is also anti-inflammatory and can help relieve the symptoms of kidney stones (1).

b. Helichrysum Oil

You Will Need

3 ml of Helichrysum oil 100 ml of any carrier oil (coconut or olive oil)

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Twice daily. Why This Works Helichrysum essential oil possesses anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, which can help relieve the discomfort associated with kidney stones (2),(3). It also is a mild diuretic that helps flush out toxins from your kidneys.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

You Will Need

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 2 liters of water Honey (optional)

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Multiple times, daily. Why This Works Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is primarily composed of acetic acid and trace amounts of citric and malic acids. The acid content of ACV may be effective in dissolving kidney stones. Additionally, it is also anti-inflammatory and can help reduce the symptoms of kidney stones (4).

3. Vitamins And Minerals

The intake of certain vitamins and minerals is also associated with a lower risk of kidney stones. Vitamin B6, consumed daily, was found to lower the risk of kidney stones. Minerals like magnesium and calcium also reduce the risk of stone formation. Increasing your intake of foods like spinach, almonds, yogurt, milk, and cheese, which are rich in these nutrients, can help prevent kidney stones (5),(6),(7).

4. Green Tea

You Will Need

1 teaspoon of green tea 1 cup of water Honey (optional)

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Drink 3 to 4 cups of green tea daily. Why This Works Green tea exhibits some promising medicinal properties and is one of the best remedies for kidney stones. A natural antioxidant and diuretic, it can help get rid of toxins from your kidneys. Green tea is also a great anti-inflammatory remedy that can be used to treat the painful symptoms of kidney stones (8), (9).

5. Cranberry Juice

You Will Need 1 glass of unsweetened cranberry juice What You Have To Do Consume a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice daily. How Often You Should Do This Do this 1 to 2 times daily. Why This Works Cranberry juice is widely used for treating urinary tract infection, given its powerful diuretic properties – which are a potential treatment for kidney stones. However, there are conflicting reviews on the use of cranberry juice for this purpose as it is believed to also increase the formation of calcium oxalate stones (10). But some research encourages the use of cranberry juice for reducing existing kidney stones (11). However, we suggest you consult your doctor in this aspect.

6. Lemon Juice

You Will Need

1/2 lemon 1 glass of warm water Honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Have a glass of lemon juice twice daily, first thing every morning on an empty stomach, and just before dinner. Why This Works Lemons are a rich source of citrate that dissolves kidney stones. They also have natural antioxidant and diuretic properties and help detoxify your body. The anti-inflammatory properties of lemons are a bonus as they can alleviate other horrible symptoms like pain while urination (12),(13).

7. Tomato Juice

You Will Need 1 glass of unsweetened tomato juice What You Have To Do Consume a glass of tomato juice with a pinch of pepper. How Often You Should Do This Once daily. Why This Works Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, a natural antioxidant that can prevent kidney stones (14). And thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can also help relieve the associated inflammation and pain (15).

8. Pickle Juice

You Will Need 2 tablespoons of pickle juice What You Have To Do Drink pickle juice. You can dilute it with a little water, if required. How Often You Should Do This Drink the juice every 4 hours for a couple of days. Why This Works Pickle juice contains vinegar, which is primarily made of acetic acid that can help destroy kidney stones. And its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the accompanying inflammation and pain (16).

9. Basil Juice

You Will Need

1 teaspoon of basil extract Honey (optional)

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Once daily. Why This Works Certain compounds in basil can stabilize the uric acid levels in your body – preventing kidney stone formation. Basil also contains acetic acid that helps dissolve kidney stones (17).

10. Water

You Will Need 1 glass of water What You Have To Do Drink a glass of water to make your kidney stones pass through urine. How Often You Should Do This Do this 10 to 12 times daily. Why This Works Drinking enough water can prevent kidney stone formation by stalling the crystallization of certain compounds in your urine. Water helps dilute your urine, thus keeping you well hydrated and warding off the crystals (18).

11. Epsom Salt Bath

You Will Need

1 cup of Epsom salt Bathwater

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Thrice a week. Why This Works Also known as magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt can increase the serum magnesium levels by getting absorbed via your skin. Adequate magnesium levels might cut kidney stone risk and also decrease the size of the existing stones (19),(20).

12. Baking Soda

You Will Need

1 tablespoon of baking soda 1 glass of water

What You Have To Do

  1. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water. 2. Mix well and drink immediately. How Often You Should Do This 2 to 3 times daily. Why This Works Baking soda, being alkaline, can alkalize your urine. This helps the kidney stones dissolve faster. It also restores the pH balance of your kidneys, thereby reinstating their normal functioning (21).

13. Garlic

You Will Need

5 to 6 garlic cloves 1 cup of water Honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This 1 to 2 times daily. Why This Works Garlic is a potent antioxidant that protects your body from free radical damage. It also acts as a diuretic that can help remove toxins from your kidneys, thereby accelerating recovery. The allicin in garlic exhibits antimicrobial properties, which protect your kidneys from infection (22),(23).

14. Wheatgrass Juice

You Will Need

1 cup of wheatgrass juice Honey (optional)

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Take a cup of the juice once daily. Why This Works Wheatgrass is another plant with diuretic properties that help the stones pass through urine. It also exhibits antioxidant properties that protect your kidneys from free radical damage (24).

15. Heating Pad

You Will Need Heating pad What You Have To Do Apply a heating pad on the affected area of your body for 15 to 20 minutes. How Often You Should Do This Do this 2 to 3 times daily until the pain subsides. Why This Works Heating pads can help relieve the pain, inflammation, and swelling caused by kidney stones. The heat also helps your muscles relax, making it easier for the stones to pass. However, there is insufficient information on this, and we advise you to consult your doctor.

16. Massage

Massage therapy is another way to relieve kidney stones. A massage on the affected areas by a professional massage therapist can help you cope with the pain. Proper massage can also guide the stones to the urinary tract, accelerating their elimination. However, we recommend you to undergo a massage only after your kidney stones have passed, as a follow-up treatment (25). These are the ways you can treat kidney stones. The next step is ensuring they don’t recur.

Preventive Tips

Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking enough fluids, especially water. Follow a diet rich in calcium – this can include foods like milk, cheese, yogurt. Reduce sodium intake. Keep oxalate-rich foods to a minimum – they include chocolates, spinach, sweet potatoes, soy products, coffee, peanuts, and wheat bran. Limit or avoid animal proteins from fish, poultry, beef, and pork. Vitamin C supplements are known to increase the risk of developing kidney stones. Therefore, avoid them.

Although these remedies can aid your recovery from kidney stones, it is always better to get yourself treated by a medical professional. In fact, some signs may call for an immediate visit to your doctor.

When To Visit A Doctor

Visit your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following:

Unbearable pain in your side, groin, abdomen or genitals Blood in your urine A urinary tract infection accompanied by severe pain or burning sensation while urinating Severe nausea or vomiting Fever and chills

What is the best sleeping position for reducing the pain from kidney stones? It is best to use a supportive mattress and pillow while sleeping. If you are suffering from kidney stones, you must keep repositioning your body while sleeping. Sleeping on the same side might increase the pain. How long does it take to get rid of a kidney stone? Getting rid of a kidney stone can be extremely painful and can take anywhere from a few days to 6 weeks. What should you not eat if you have kidney stones? You must not eat foods that can provoke stone-formation – these include beets, chocolates, spinach, and nuts. All of these are rich in oxalate, the excess of which can contribute to kidney stones. You must avoid drinking cola as well as it might elevate disease risk due to its high phosphate content. What is the best position to pass a kidney stone? The best position to pass a kidney stone is lying down. Lay on the side of the pain, i.e., lay on your right side if the pain (stones) is on the right side of the ureter and vice versa. Can kidney stones go away overnight? No. It is rare for kidney stones to go away overnight. However, depending on the size of the stones, they may dissolve or pass within 48 hours to a few days. What are the first signs of passing a kidney stone? You may feel nausea, sharp or throbbing pain in your abdomen, lower back, or groin region, and gastric discomfort. You may also notice some blood in the urine and experience a sense of incomplete urination. Can stress cause kidney stones? Yes. Research indicates that stressful life events are associated with an increased risk of kidney stone formation (26). Is banana good for kidney stones? Bananas may help reduce the risk of kidney stone formation as they are rich in potassium. Potassium intake has been associated with a reduced incidence of kidney stones (27).