According to some studies, apple cider vinegar can treat diabetes (2). Vinegar may promote blood sugar control by enhancing carbohydrate metabolism. Managing diabetes symptoms may become easier with ACV since it promotes blood sugar metabolism. Further research is needed to understand how ACV may contribute to diabetes treatment. This article discusses the benefits of apple cider vinegar, how to use it and side effects. Keep reading.

What Research Says About Apple Cider Vinegar And Diabetes

An Iranian study conducted on rats stated that ACV might have positive effects on blood cholesterol levels. ACV could lower bad cholesterol levels and elevate good cholesterol levels in diabetic rats (3). Another small study found that ACV could regulate the levels of blood sugar and insulin in the case of type 2 diabetes (4). However, some anecdotal evidence states that ACV may actually worsen glycemic control, and this may aggravate diabetes symptoms. A few other theories suggest that ACV may slow down the rate at which food and fluids leave the stomach, making it harder for any individual to control blood sugar. ACV may also interact with certain medications, and its strong taste may not be okay for all. That’s a bag of mixed results. What’s the conclusion? Should you try it? ACV is not harmful, per se. It is considered safe and can be worth a try. But ensure you use organic, unfiltered, and raw ACV – because it will be higher in beneficial bacteria (and it appears cloudy too). Here are the various ways you can use ACV to aid your diabetes treatment.

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Diabetes

1. Apple Cider Vinegar And Water

2 tablespoons of ACV 2 tablespoons of water 1 oz cheese

Mix the ACV and water. Consume the mixture, along with the cheese, before bedtime. Try it for a week, and consult your doctor post the results. Follow their advice. ACV contains acetic acid, which is known for its antiglycemic effects. The acid can reduce starch digestion. Cheese and vinegar may have a synergistic effect. Cheese also contains amino acids that provide glucogenic substrates, which may benefit people with type 2 diabetes (these substrates, in the presence of insulin, convert to glycogen) (5).

2. Cinnamon And Apple Cider Vinegar

1 teaspoon of ACV ¾ teaspoon of ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon of stevia

Mix all the ingredients and take the concoction post meals. Twice a day. Consult a doctor post results. Cinnamon can help lower fasting blood glucose (6). Though stevia sweetens the drink, it has a glycemic index of zero and is not absorbed by the intestines.

3. Honey And Apple Cider Vinegar

1 teaspoon of ACV 1 teaspoon of honey (or even less) ½ cup of water

Mix all the ingredients and take the drink post meals. Once or twice a day. Visit your doctor post the results. Honey can offset the acidic taste of ACV. It may not have the same effect on blood sugar levels as sugar does and could be a healthy substitute. Some research shows that honey may also help in the management of diabetes (7). Caution Use honey only if your diabetes is well maintained. Otherwise, it is better to skip it or replace it with stevia.

4. Baking Soda And Apple Cider Vinegar

2 tablespoons of ACV ½ teaspoon of baking soda A couple of orange wedges

Thrice a day. The mechanism of baking soda in diabetes treatment is anecdotal. Some animal research suggests that baking soda may help prevent an infection called mucormycosis, which is a diabetes complication (8). Caution In case you have a digestive condition that affects the mouth, esophagus, stomach, or intestines, talk to your doctor before using this remedy.

5. Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar

This is not a separate remedy as such. Bragg is a popular brand of apple cider vinegar that is widely known for its quality. It was founded by Paul Bragg in 1912 and claims to control weight gain that is so commonly associated with diabetes. You can use Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar in the remedies we have discussed above. But we recommend you talk to your doctor before using the product. Can you take apple cider vinegar with metformin? Check out the below infographic to learn how to consume apple cider vinegar properly. Some believe taking apple cider vinegar along with metformin may lower blood sugar levels way too much. However, there is less research available. Please consult your doctor before taking ACV with the medication. Can you take apple cider vinegar with diabetes medication? Though there are not enough studies to show the safety of the combination, taking apple cider vinegar with diabetes medication may result in dangerously low sugar levels. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor beforehand. What medicines cannot be taken with apple cider vinegar? Apple cider vinegar may interact with diabetes medication, insulin shots, and diuretic drugs. It may also lower potassium levels in the body. Therefore, consult a doctor before taking ACV.
