What Are Green Coffee Beans? How Do They Work?

These are the natural (and unroasted) coffee beans, unlike those you usually find in the market. The most important component of coffee beans is chlorogenic acid – which is usually removed when the coffee beans are roasted (1). Green coffee beans contain the maximum (the most of it, at least) chlorogenic acid content. Studies state the anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic properties of chlorogenic acid (2). Thanks to these properties, green coffee beans have a number of benefits to offer.

How Can Green Coffee Beans Benefit Your Health?

1. Can Help You With Weight Loss

Studies show that green coffee bean extract (GCBE) can help fight obesity by lowering the accumulation of body fat (3). In obese mice that were fed a high-fat diet, the green coffee bean extract had significantly lowered body weight gain. Another study quoted the possibility of using GCE as a weight loss supplement as promising. Though more research is needed to label GCE as a powerful weight loss tool, this is an encouraging step (4).

2. Can Aid Diabetes Treatment

The chlorogenic acid in green coffee beans was found to affect blood glucose levels. In the study, participants who received a high dose of GCE (400 mg) saw the biggest drop in blood glucose levels (5). Daily intake of three to four cups of decaffeinated coffee with high chlorogenic acid content was found to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 30% (6). Chlorogenic acid also stimulates insulin secretion and has been often described as a potential anti-diabetic agent.

3. Regulate Blood Pressure

Intake of GCE in hypertensive rats showed a reduction in their blood pressure levels (7). Similar results were observed in humans too – where blood pressure levels in the human participants reduced during the ingestion period of GCE (8). Chlorogenic acid inhibits the formation of active cortisol, which is a hormone known to increase blood pressure levels (9). Consumption of green coffee also improves arterial elasticity, thereby lowering blood pressure levels.

4. Offer Anti-Aging Benefits

Green coffee beans are replete with antioxidants and offer excellent anti-aging effects. The chlorogenic acid in the seeds was found to improve skin properties and microcirculatory function in humans. Ingestion of the beans decreased skin dryness and transepidermal water loss and improved skin surface pH levels. Consuming chlorogenic acid for eight weeks also improved skin hydration (10). These are the most important benefits of green coffee beans. There are a few other benefits – although they have insufficient medical backing. Hence, we suggest you speak to your doctor before using green coffee beans for the below-mentioned benefits.

5. May Help Boost Focus And Mood

Green coffee beans do contain some caffeine. Sources suggest that caffeine, in general, can improve mental health by boosting mood, attention, memory, and alertness (11). We don’t have research stating that the caffeine in green coffee beans may have similar effects as the content is relatively low compared to regular coffee. Also, certain individuals may react differently to caffeine. If you have had issues with caffeine before, please consult your doctor before using green coffee beans. There is one study that shows that green coffee bean extract can have neuroprotective effects on patients with Alzheimer’s disease (12). However, more research is needed in this regard.

6. May Enhance Energy Levels

This again has got to do with the little caffeine in green coffee beans. Caffeine is found to boost energy levels and even enhance athletic performance (13). But we don’t know yet how effective green coffee beans can be in boosting your energy levels. These are the important reasons you must include green coffee beans in your routine. But wait – how do you do that?

How To Make Green Coffee

Preparing green coffee is quite simple. Use green coffee beans (instead of powder) for best results. You may also go for green coffee capsules (Pick your pack here). Each green coffee capsule can contain 20 to 50 mg of caffeine – although the dosage may vary as per the brand. Up to 400 mg of caffeine could be safe for most people – ensure you don’t go overboard (14). If you are using green coffee beans, do check the packaging for the caffeine content. Keep the dosage in mind. So, are we done? Well, not yet. Though green coffee beans could be a healthier option, you need to keep in mind certain things.

What Are The Side Effects Of Green Coffee Beans?

Issues During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

There is not enough reliable information available in this regard. Hence, stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Abnormally High Homocysteine Levels

Studies show that excess intake of chlorogenic acid can increase blood homocysteine levels (15). Though we need more research, high homocysteine levels may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Issues With Excess Caffeine

Although in low amounts, green coffee does contain caffeine. Excess intake of caffeine can cause certain conditions or even make them worse. These include anxiety, bleeding disorders, diarrhea, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, and thinning bones.

Can you drink green coffee after dinner? The caffeine in it may keep certain individuals awake. The best time could be in the mornings after breakfast. Can you drink green coffee when you are menstruating? Yes, you can. But if you develop any issues, please stop intake and consult your doctor. How long do green coffee beans last? As they aren’t roasted, green coffee beans can last for years. Store them in a cool and dry place. How many times can you drink green coffee in a day? Depends on the dosage. But if you are using 150 ml cup, you can drink 2 to 3 times a day. Do green coffee beans taste like coffee? Green coffee has a gentler, lighter flavor than ordinary coffee. Is green coffee beans bitter? Yes, green coffee is frequently referred to as tasting bitter and grassy. Does green coffee smell like coffee? No. The aroma of pure green coffee bean extract is not similar to that of coffee. Instead, it has a pleasant grass scent.
