So, is this oil worth all the hype it is attracting? What benefits can it offer? Magnesium oil is believed to induce hair growth, provide relief from cramps and pains, and treat migraines, anxiety, and depression symptoms. Besides, it may help treat morning sickness, manage diabetes and hypertension, and improve dental health. But, is there enough scientific evidence to back these claims? Is it safe to use? In this article, we answer all these queries and understand what magnesium oil is, how you can make it at home, different ways to use it, and its potential side effects. Keep scrolling!

What Is Magnesium Oil?

No, it’s not what you think it is! Magnesium oil is not an essential oil. It is a concentrated solution of the salt, magnesium chloride. This concentrated solution or oil can be applied to the skin. It gets absorbed into your skin quickly while carrying the magnesium molecules. This way of providing or supplying magnesium is called transdermal absorption. Although it sounds a bit clinical, you don’t really need a prescription to use magnesium oil. It is available over the counter.

How Does Magnesium Oil Work?

Let me break it down for you. Let’s say you got a nasty open wound on your forearm from falling on the pavement. What’s the first thing you would do? Stop the blood flow. You would then wash the wound, disinfect it, and apply an antiseptic ointment. Over a period, with the right dressing and care, the wound would heal. This is assuming that you have no other conditions that could cause complications in the healing process, like diabetes or hemophilia. How do you think the wound would heal if you never applied an ointment and only popped painkillers or antiseptic pills? The recovery would be much, much slower. Why? Generally, the efficacy of an ingested drug is lower than an ointment that has been applied topically (usually, not always). Again, why? Blame the route! An ingested drug has to traverse the GI tract, get broken down in the liver, and then be released into the bloodstream. The blood then carries it to the affected site, where the drug gets to work. Alternatively, if you apply a cream or an ointment, your skin absorbs its contents. The drug molecules then enter the bloodstream. In other words, the drug reaches the bloodstream directly, bypassing the GI tract. The blood carries it to the affected site – where the drug jumps into action. Isn’t this a quicker route? Undoubtedly, yes. But this cannot be applied to all drugs or wounds or injuries. Thankfully, magnesium CAN be sent the shorter way! Since magnesium molecules are small, they can get absorbed into the skin very quickly. They enter the bloodstream immediately and, hence, are more effective than orally administered magnesium. You got the route and reason, right? So, what kind of internal issues and imbalances can magnesium oil treat? It gets interesting from here. Go ahead and explore!

What Are The Benefits Of Magnesium Oil?

1. Induces Hair Growth

Every girl’s prized possession is her mane, and her worst nightmare is heavy hair loss. Though genetics play an important part in hair health and growth, the minerals in your body matter too. A study conducted in Germany found that supplying magnesium to hair follicles can trigger hair growth. The study involved spraying magnesium oil on the scalp or any part of the body, coupled with a foot soak in Epsom salt water 12 weeks. This regimen resulted in a 59.7% increase in hair (1). Shocking, but true!

2. Relieves Pains and Cramps

The symptoms of hypomagnesemia are subtle. They include muscle cramps, pain, and spams. This is because calcium is responsible for muscle contraction, and magnesium is responsible for muscle relaxation. The topical application of magnesium oil can reduce muscle catches, twitching, back pain, feet pain, neck pain, and menstrual cramps effectively. In rare cases, it can also treat convulsions and fibromyalgia (2). Now you know why most pain relief ointments and massage oils contain magnesium!

3. Treats The Symptoms Of Migraine, Depression, and Anxiety

About 31% of magnesium is stored in your cells. A decrease in the intracellular magnesium concentration can lead to neurological disturbances. Lack of magnesium can promote a condition called cortical spreading depression. There is also strong evidence that magnesium deficiency is more prevalent in migraine patients than in their healthy counterparts (3). Topical application of magnesium oil can treat migraines and allay some symptoms of depression.

4. Treats Morning Sickness And Pregnancy Complications

Monitoring the levels of vitamins, minerals, and hormones during pregnancy is essential. These micronutrients play a crucial role in the formation and development of new tissues in the fetus. Magnesium oil has a soothing effect on your body and brain. It reduces the built-up stress and anxiety by lowering cortical levels. It is also a great pain reliever. That’s why using magnesium oil in baths, massages, or as a scrub induces sound sleep. A lack of magnesium can cause fatal and severe conditions, like preeclampsia. Hypomagnesemia has also been associated with miscarriage and pre-term labor. Therefore, taking magnesium supplements to maintain optimal intracellular and serum magnesium levels is necessary for pregnant women (4).

5. Manages Diabetes

Diabetes, when not managed properly, can lead to metabolic disorder and multiple organ failure. People with diabetes also experience excessive loss of minerals and electrolytes through urine. Sometimes, antidiabetic drugs are prescribed to reduce the pressure on the kidneys. But how can you restore these lost minerals, especially magnesium? Bathing with Epsom salt or applying magnesium oil regularly on the skin can reduce the serum triglycerides levels. Magnesium oil can also increase insulin sensitivity, control the blood glucose levels, and keep a check on your weight. That said, more research needs to be conducted to throw light on magnesium oil’s efficacy and safety for patients with diabetes.

6. Controls Hypertension And Cardiopathies

Optimal magnesium is mandatory for the smooth functioning of all muscles, including your limbs, lungs, GI tract, and even your heart! A magnesium deficiency upsets your heart health. It can increase the pressure on your blood vessels too. Thus, it can lead to hypertension, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), and related cardiovascular diseases. Magnesium oil quickly replenishes the magnesium reserve in your blood. The ions move quickly through the skin and get absorbed into the bloodstream. This route is faster and more effective than popping pills (1).

7. Facilitates Dental Wound Healing

Dental health in children and adults always takes a back seat because the vital organs steal the limelight. But dental issues can lead to intolerable neuropathies. Studies report that minerals like magnesium are important for the integrity of your teeth, enamel, and gums. People suffering from periodontitis and gingivitis have also been reported to have low levels of serum magnesium levels. In these cases, applying magnesium oil to the affected area can reduce inflammation and pain. This is because it has anti-inflammatory and vulnerary properties. Magnesium oil can soothe aching gums and prevent attachment loss, especially in those who have undergone dental or implant surgeries (5). After looking at its benefits up close, don’t you agree that transdermal magnesium is not just a myth? But the bigger question here is, how do we get magnesium oil? Where do we get it? Is it easily available? The answer is yes! In fact, you can make it all by yourself! I have listed a simple recipe that you can use to make magnesium oil right at home. Scroll down and glove up!

DIY: How To Make Magnesium Oil At Home

• Magnesium chloride flakes: 1 cup • Distilled or purified water: 1 cup • Glass measuring cup or bowl • Saucepan or a pot: small-medium size • Glass spray bottle or container

  1. In the saucepan, pour the distilled water and bring it to a boil. Using distilled water will extend the shelf life of the mixture. 2. Put the magnesium chloride flakes in the glass measuring cup/bowl. 3. Pour the boiling water over the flakes. 4. Stir continuously until the flakes have completely dissolved. 5. Set it aside to cool. 6. Store it in a spray bottle or container. 7. You can use it for 6 months if kept at room temperature and away from the sun. 8. Add it to your bubble bath, pedicure tubs, spray some on your scalp, or use it in your dental routine. You don’t just need to spray on magnesium oil. You can use it in a number of different ways. Just keep scrolling to find out more!

What Are The Different Ways Of Using Magnesium Oil?

You can use magnesium oil in the following ways. • Add 1 cup of magnesium oil to your bubble bath. • You can also apply the oil and let it get absorbed into your skin for about 10 minutes before a shower. • Spray magnesium oil on your back, neck, hands, and legs. Massage thoroughly until the solution gets absorbed completely. • You can also apply it topically over affected areas for quick pain relief. • This oil is a quick and portable option to treat muscle pulls, catches, cramps, and sprains that could be caused by vigorous and sudden physical activity. • Add your favorite essential oil(s) (like lavender, orange, grapefruit, or eucalyptus) to magnesium oil and use it in an oil burner to get rid of bad odor. • It also doubles up as a deodorant, and you can spray it on your body. But, you must be wondering – could an ideal formula like magnesium oil have any risks associated with it? Let’s find out!

Are There Any Side Effects Of Using Magnesium Oil?

There is not much data available on the adverse effects of the topical application of magnesium oil. It is also difficult to formulate a suitable dosage. However, do a patch test with magnesium oil on your arm or leg before using it. If your skin doesn’t show any adverse reaction, you can use it daily. But where do we draw the line? The tolerable upper limit (UL) of magnesium in men and women is about 350 mg. It is 110 mg for children (4-8 years), while 1-3-year-olds can only have 65 mg of magnesium in their body (6). But these are not in relation to transdermal magnesium, in particular. So, as long as you pass the patch test and are within the UL brackets, you can use magnesium oil daily. Can you leave magnesium oil on overnight? Yes. Magnesium oil is safe to leave on overnight. Does magnesium oil help joint pain? Yes. Studies have shown that magnesium oil can help relieve joint pain (7). Does magnesium oil make you sleepy? Yes. Magnesium in supplements as well as in topical treatments has shown positive results in managing insomnia and improving sleep patterns (8). Is magnesium oil good for wrinkles? No. Although magnesium oil is used as a remedy for wrinkles, there are no proven scientific studies to back the claim.
