Side Effects Of Lime Juice

Get to know about the serious sweet lime juice side effects here:


What? GERD, also known as ‘gastroesophageal reflux disorder’, is a digestive disorder that affects the ring of muscle between the esophagus and stomach. How? GERD is triggered by spicy or acidic foods like lemon juice. Lemon juice can actually irritate the esophageal lining thereby exacerbating GERD (1). Symptoms? The symptoms of GERD include nausea, heartburn and vomiting.

2. Tooth Decay

What? Natural bacteria flourish in our mouths and form plaque. When we don’t frequently wash our mouth, or we ignore to washing our mouth after drinking or eating something, plaque accumulates and creates cavities in our teeth. Even consumption of something that can be harmful to the enamel can cause tooth decay. How? We know lime juice has a high citric acid content. Its high acidity can lead to the decay of the tooth enamel. If this decay progresses into the dentin, you might start experiencing sensitivity and pain. Symptoms? Other consequences of consuming lime juice (especially canned) in excessive quantities include loss of dental tissue, stained teeth and in some extreme cases, cavities (2).

 3. Stomach Ulcers

What? Stomach ulcers, also known as peptic ulcers are extremely painful sores that are found in the stomach lining or small intestine. Stomach ulcers happen when the thick mucus lining inside the stomach gets thinned. How? The citric acid in lime can aggravate and worsen the ulcers within the stomach. The increased acid (citric acid + acid produced in your stomach) can irritate the stomach lining and stop the ulcers from healing properly (3). Symptoms? Symptoms of stomach ulcers include terrible pain within the stomach, bloating, vomiting, and unexpected weight loss (4).

4. Problems During Pregnancy

What? Pregnancy is an important and yet delicate time for any woman. Since excessive consumption of lime juice can affect the stomach, this might directly impact the baby inside the mother’s womb. Furthermore, the chances of contracting food-borne illnesses increase during pregnancy. Drinking unpasteurized lime juice might be harmful and can even directly affect your baby (5). How? Your immune system is considerably weak during pregnancy. Due to this deficiency, you are more prone to heartburn and food-borne illnesses (like salmonella and E.coli) during the time of your pregnancy (6). Symptoms? Consuming too much of lime juice during pregnancy can lead to stomach cramps, indigestion, and diarrhea.

5. Hemochromatosis

What? Hemochromatosis is a disorder which disables the body from absorbing iron. This results in the buildup of iron salts and their deposition on the tissues leading to complications. The vitamin C in lime juice, also called the ascorbic acid, affects the absorption of iron in the body. How? Excessive consumption of vitamin C can increase the amount of iron you absorb from your food. But the downside is it also hinders the body from absorbing iron. This results in the accumulation of iron inside the body (7). Symptoms? Symptoms include fatigue, weakness, joint pain and heart failure (8). This is a serious side effect of lime juice as it can lead to death at times.

6. Sulfite Disorders

What? Sulfites are nothing but a group of sulfur-based compounds, which both occur naturally as well as are added to food products as preservatives. Lime juice contains sulfites, which might trigger complications in people with sensitive systems (9). How? Sulfites (the ones used as preservatives) are inorganic salts that can help extend the shelf life of foods. These salts can prevent the food from turning brown, and also hinder the growth of bacteria (10). Lime juice contains sulfites which can cause reactions and allergies in some people. Symptoms? Itchy skin, hives, rashes, stomach cramps, nausea, cough, etc. (11).

7. Might Affect Kidneys

What? Though lime juice helps treat kidney stones and is good for healthy kidneys, people suffering from kidney ailments should not consume lime juice as it might cause renal damage. How? Citrus fruits generally contain high potassium levels. This might be bad for those suffering from kidney disease. The diseased kidneys wouldn’t be able to maintain the electrolyte balance. This leads to abnormal levels of potassium, sodium and phosphorus (12). Symptoms? The symptoms include abnormal heart rhythm, weakness and slow heart rate. Is it OK to drink straight lime juice? Jesse Feder, Clinical Dietitian, says, “It is generally safe to drink lime juice straight. However, it can be high in sugar and cause spikes in your blood glucose levels. It is also acidic, which can harm the enamel of your teeth, as well as potentially irritate your stomach.” Can lime cause yeast infections? According to Jesse, “Anecdotally, drinking lime juice has been shown to help prevent yeast infections. However, there is limited scientific backing for this. Additionally, directly applying lime juice to the pubic area may cause a yeast infection due to the sugar content.” Does lime lower blood pressure? Jesse Feder says, “Limes are a great source of potassium and magnesium, which can help lower your blood pressure levels.” Is it OK to drink lime water every day? Yes. Lime juice is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that help support good health. How much lime juice should I drink per day? Eva De Angelis, Dietitian Nutritionist, says, “To be safe and avoid any of the aforementioned side effects, limit yourself to drinking no more than the juice of three limes per day.” Which is healthier: lemon or lime juice? Lemon juice. Vitamin C is slightly higher in lemons compared to limes. Lemons are also richer in potassium, folate, and vitamin B6 (13), (14).