What Is Feverfew? How Does It Work?

The scientific name of feverfew is Tanacetum parthenium. It is also known as bachelor’s buttons, Chrysanthemum parthenium, and featherfew. One important compound in feverfew is parthenolide. It can ease muscle spasms and treat inflammation (1). Other active constituents of the plant include flavonoid glycosides and pinenes. The composition of the plant is as follows (1):

sesquiterpene lactones (mainly parthenolide) volatile oils, like camphor, which have antibacterial properties flavonoids, which possess antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties

These compounds make feverfew what it is – a potent plant with great benefits.

How Does Feverfew Benefit You?

Feverfew’s most important use is in treating migraines. Its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties may also help treat menstrual pain and inflammation.

1. Feverfew Relieves Migraines

In a study, patients who took feverfew for about six months had reported fewer incidences of migraine (1). In other studies, feverfew was found to be superior to placebo in controlling the severity and frequency of migraine headaches. Migraines might be caused by prostaglandin, a natural substance that can dilute the blood vessels and cause symptoms. The parthenolide in the plant might inhibit prostaglandin (1). This may help treat migraines.

2. May Help Treat Depression And Anxiety

There is more research required here. But mice studies show that feverfew may reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety (2).

3. Might Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Feverfew works as an antispasmodic and helps regulate menstrual periods (1). This can also have an effect on cramps associated with irregular periods. It can also help in treating premenstrual and menstrual headaches.

4. May Ease Arthritis Pain

Feverfew inhibits the effects of polymorphonuclear leukocyte granules that may lead to arthritis pain (1). Polymorphonuclear leukocyte granules are a type of immune cells that release enzymes during infections and allergic reactions. Feverfew has been traditionally used to relieve arthritis. But in terms of its direct effects on humans with arthritis, we need more research.

5. Can Aid Cancer Treatment

Research suggests a possible treatment for leukemia derived from parthenolide, one of the potent constituents of feverfew. This compound was found to act on leukemia at the stem cell level. This is an important finding as current cancer treatments don’t strike deep enough to kill the cancer cells (3). The parthenolide in feverfew also showed other inhibitory effects against three human cancer cell lines (4). As per reports by the National Cancer Institute, feverfew can also inhibit or even eliminate prostate cancer stem cells (5).

6. Fights Inflammation

Traditionally, the plant has been used to treat inflammation. In a study on mice with hepatitis, parthenolide in feverfew had decreased the inflammatory cytokines (6). The anti-inflammatory properties of parthenolide might also be useful in the development of anti-inflammatory agents (7). In another study, parthenolide was found to protect the skin from inflammation. It might potentially be used for treating inflammatory skin conditions (8).

7. Can Prevent Blood Clots

Feverfew can inhibit platelet activity and prevent blood from clotting (1). Blood usually flows through our arteries and veins smoothly. But when a clot is formed, it blocks this smooth flow and, if ignored, can even cause death. This condition is called thrombosis. Studies have shed light on the anti-thrombotic potential of feverfew (9).

8. Helps Treat Dermatitis

Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. Feverfew can reduce damaged skin cells and inflammation – and may also improve the appearance of the skin. In one study, feverfew extracts (with parthenolide removed) showed potent anti-inflammatory activity on human skin equivalents (10). Those are the benefits of feverfew. But, how do you reap those benefits? How can you incorporate feverfew in your routine? Find out in the next section.

How Do You Use Feverfew?

Feverfew is available in the form of capsules, tablets, tincture, or even liquid extracts. You can also make feverfew tea. Here’s how. Pour a cup of boiling water over a tablespoon of dried or fresh feverfew leaves. Steep for 30 minutes to an hour. The longer you steep, the stronger the tea. You can then drain the leaves and serve. There is not enough evidence to determine the right dosage. It depends on the gender, age, and medical history of the individual. Hence, you may consult with your doctor/health care provider to know the right dosage for you. Also, exercise caution before you consume it as the plant can have undesirable side effects.

What Are The Side Effects Of Feverfew?

Possible Issues During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Feverfew may cause early contractions and miscarriage if taken by mouth (11). Hence, pregnant women must avoid intake. There is not enough information available on the safety of feverfew for breastfeeding women. Hence, stay safe and avoid use.

May Cause Bleeding Disorders (And Issues During Surgery)

Feverfew can slow down blood clotting, and this can increase the risk of bleeding in some people. If you have a bleeding disorder, use feverfew with caution. The same properties of feverfew can also cause excessive bleeding during or after surgery. Avoid taking the plant at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Possible Allergies

People allergic to ragweed, marigolds, daisies, and chrysanthemums may be allergic to feverfew too (12). Hence, such people should avoid feverfew. Can you take feverfew every day? Yes. Taking 100–300 mg of feverfew supplements up to 4 times daily (that contain 0.2–0.4% parthenolides) may help reduce migraine headaches (1). Does feverfew cause weight gain? Maybe. While anecdotal evidence suggests that feverfew may lead to weight gain as an unintended side effect, scientific evidence supporting this claim is lacking. Can I take feverfew with magnesium? Yes. Studies have shown that the combination of feverfew and magnesium may help safely prevent migraine in adult patients (13).
