Before we get into the home cures, let’s go through some asthma basics. Scroll down.

What Is Asthma?

When the airways get inflamed, they become narrower and very sensitive, causing a long-term lung disease called asthma. Even the minutest irritant can trigger asthma as the airways are already inflamed. Also, excess mucus is produced, which may further constrict your airways and cause difficulty in breathing, wheezing, and also a tightness in the chest (1).

Types Of Asthma

Asthma can develop due to different reasons and under different conditions. The various types of asthma, as classified by doctors, are listed below:

Allergic Asthma – Allergens in the environment can cause allergic rhinitis. When this leads to asthma, it is called allergic asthma (2).

Exercise-induced Asthma – When physical exertion leads to asthma, it is called exercise-induced asthma (3). The airways begin to constrict usually between five to 20 minutes of starting the exercise.

Cough-variant Asthma – With coughing as the main symptom, this type of asthma affects the airways and may cause inflammation (4).

Occupational Asthma – When the asthma is triggered only in your work surroundings and caused by an irritant or sensitizer, it is called occupational asthma (5). Animal breeders, farmers, hairdressers, and woodworkers are some of the common professionals who develop this type of asthma.

Nocturnal Asthma – Symptoms of asthma are aggravated during the night and can turn out to be very dangerous (6).

What Causes Asthma?

There are many factors that can trigger and cause asthma. These include:

Respiratory infections Allergens like fur, mold, pollen, dust, etc. Medicines such as aspirin or similar drugs Irritants like pollution particles, chemicals in the environment, certain sprays, cigarette smoke, etc. Physical activity Certain chemicals in food (for example, sulfites) (3)

Signs And Symptoms Of Asthma

The signs and symptoms of asthma are:

Coughing that gets worse in the night Wheezing Tightness in the chest Difficulty breathing

The severity of these symptoms varies from person to person (3). Let us now look at the various home remedies that you can use to get relief from asthma and its symptoms.

Home Remedies For Asthma Attack

1. Essential Oils For Asthma

(a) Eucalyptus Essential Oil For Asthma

Eucalyptus oil A towel

To use this, put a few drops of the oil on the towel and keep it beside you when you sleep. Position the napkin so that you can breathe in the aroma. Use this remedy every night as a preventive measure for asthma attacks. One of the best remedies for relieving congestion and a blocked nose, eucalyptus oil is an effective remedy for breathing problems. Eucalyptol, a chemical present in eucalyptus oil, helps break down mucus and may be an alternative treatment for asthma (7).

(b) Lavender Oil For Asthma

5-6 drops lavender oil A bowl of hot water

Add lavender oil to the hot water and inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. Do this once every day. Lavender oil has been shown to inhibit the inflammation of the airways and control mucus production. It soothes the air passages and strengthens the immune system (8).

(c) Tea Tree Oil For Asthma

A few drops of tea tree oil Face cloth Warm water

  1. Dip the face cloth in the warm water completely and then wring out the excess. 2. Pour the essential oil randomly on this damp cloth and inhale the vapors until the cloth comes back to room temperature. Repeat this a few times until the asthma symptoms have vanished and you feel better. The expectorant and decongestant properties of tea tree oil will work in relieving the wheezing and coughing and eliminating the excess mucus. This essential oil also possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which will help reduce the inflammation in the airways and treat any infections that are present in the respiratory system (9).

(d) Kalonji Oil For Asthma

1/2 teaspoon kalonji oil 1 teaspoon honey A cup of warm water

Add the kalonji oil and honey to the water, and drink this once before breakfast and once again after dinner. Repeat this for 40 days for best results. Kalonji oil is also called Black Seed Oil. The list of its benefits is endless. Its anti-inflammatory properties prove beneficial in the treatment of asthma. It is also used for the treatment of bronchitis (10).

(e) Oregano Oil For Asthma

A few drops of oregano oil Essential oil diffuser

Put the essential oil in the diffuser and inhale the vapors. Let the diffuser use up all the oil. You can use this remedy every day to keep asthma symptoms at bay. Oregano oil cleanses the lungs and the air passages. It has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that may ease lung issues (11). It is said to thin the mucus and eliminate infection-causing bacteria and viruses.

2. Honey For Asthma

2 teaspoons honey A glass of warm water 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder

  1. Mix one teaspoon of honey in the water and drink this slowly. 2. Swallow another teaspoon of honey with the cinnamon powder before going to bed. Drink this honey water three times in a day. Have the honey and cinnamon mix every night before going to bed. Honey is one of the oldest and most natural remedies for breathing problems. It contains alcohol and other oils that help alleviate the symptoms of asthma. It will help remove phlegm from your throat and allow you to sleep better (12).

3. Turmeric For Asthma

1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder A glass of water

Ingest the turmeric along with water. Repeat this thrice a day for 10-14 days. If there is no improvement in the symptoms, double the dosage. Turmeric contains curcumin as one of its main components. This phytochemical is very beneficial as an add-on therapy to relieve asthma. It modulates the inflammatory response of the body and alleviates the inflammation of the airways. Turmeric is also an excellent antimicrobial agent (13).

4. Coffee For Asthma

A cup of hot coffee Brew a hot, steaming cup of your favorite coffee and drink it. Drink hot coffee as an immediate remedy to get relief from asthma. Drinking coffee is the easiest way to treat asthma as it immediately eases up the airways and helps you breathe. Many swear by the positive effects of drinking coffee and recommend it as the quickest antidote for asthma. Caffeine in the coffee acts as a bronchodilator and opens up the constricted airways (14).

5. Vitamins For Asthma

Vitamin D supplements Vitamin C supplements

Take a tablet of each of these vitamin supplements every day. Continue taking these supplements for a month. If there is still no difference, please consult your doctor. Vitamin D supplementation has shown effective results in alleviating asthma symptoms. This is because of its anti-inflammatory action and its ability to enhance the body’s innate antimicrobial response (15). Even though sufficient data could not be collected to know if vitamin C helps in treating bronchial asthma, it did help in alleviating exercise-induced asthma symptoms. It was shown to improve the functioning of the lungs (16).

6. Ginger For Asthma

1 teaspoon grated ginger A cup of hot water 1/2 teaspoon honey

You can also chew on a small piece of ginger a few times during the day. Drink two to three cups of ginger tea in a day. A herb famed for its anti-inflammatory properties for decades, ginger consumption is the best way to keep your respiratory tract healthy. This is the most common home remedy for asthma. Ginger relaxes the airway muscles and regulates calcium uptake, which in turn relieve the constriction and give relief from asthma (17).

7. Garlic For Asthma

10-12 garlic cloves 1/2 cup milk

Boil the cloves of garlic in the milk and drink this concoction. Drink this once a day. Garlic helps clear the congestion in your lungs and is a sure shot remedy that provides quick relief from asthma symptoms. It also reduces the inflammation of the airways (18).

8. Onions For Asthma

Raw onion Chomp a few slices of raw onion with your supper to reap the benefits of this veggie. Include onions in your daily diet. Yes, onions are pungent, and can be a big turn-off to many. However, those suffering from asthma can benefit from onions. This vegetable that makes many cry can be a boon to asthmatics. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps clear the airways (19).

9. Khella For Asthma

30 to 60 drops khella tincture A cup of water

Add the khella tincture to the water and drink it. Take this thrice a day and once before going to bed. Continue taking this for a couple of weeks to notice the benefits. Otherwise known as Bishop’s weed, this herb has often been used to treat asthma, bronchitis, and heart disease in Ayurvedic and Egyptian medicine. It has antihistamine properties and prevents asthma (20). Its antispasmodic properties dilate the constricted bronchioles. Khella is a preventive remedy for asthma. Khella is not for use in asthma attacks. Before using any of these remedies, make sure that you are not even slightly allergic to any of them. And if you are, using them will only prove to be counter-productive in treating the asthma symptoms. If you are still doubtful, consult your doctor before using the remedy.

What Exercises Control Asthma?

Just because you have asthma, it does not mean that you cannot lead an active life. Exercising daily, doing yoga, or going for walks and swims will help you keep asthma attacks at bay. Cardio workouts like walking, cycling, or light running will keep your body fluids flowing and prevent excess mucus build-up in the airways.

Breathing Exercises

Try doing these breathing exercises to keep your asthma under control:

Simple breathing – This is also known as diaphragmatic breathing. Lie down or sit with your back straight. Breathe in and out slowly. Your stomach should expand during inhalation, and not your chest. While exhaling, your stomach should contract. Buteyko breathing – Sit in an upright position with the chest and belly muscles relaxed. Take a long shallow breath and exhale slowly. Hold your breath for as long as possible. Then, continue breathing gently. Pursed lip breathing – While in the simple breathing position, exhale through pursed lips like you are blowing a whistle. Exhaling should ideally be twice as long as inhaling.

These exercises can also be called chest exercises as they involve your chest muscles. Remember to not overexert yourself and your lungs while doing any type of exercise.


Research shows that yoga does, in fact, improve the symptoms of asthma (21). Yoga therapy may significantly improve the severity and duration of asthma attacks. Hath yoga uses breath to connect the mind with various parts of the body, making them one united functional unit. This may aid in asthma control. A study involving people with chronic severe airway obstruction found that yoga training could significantly improve the symptoms and reduce asthma attacks (21). Many studies in India have shown the many benefits of yoga in bronchial asthma management. Another study involving yoga practice showed substantial improvement in asthmatic symptoms within a short duration of 13 days (22). A study conducted in Ethiopia showed how yoga improved asthmatic symptoms (21). Twenty-four people dealing with asthma took part in the study. For 4 weeks they practiced yoga for 50 minutes everyday. They had decreased asthmatic attacks and used their medications and the puffer less. Their training consisted of:

A warm up with relaxed breathing techniques and stretching exercises for 5 minutes. A loosening exercise, for 5 minutes, to relax different joints. Ten minutes of general yoga postures in standing and sitting positions, along with slow breathing techniques. Ten minutes of deep relaxation practice involving slow breathing to calm the mind and relax muscles. A slow breathing technique practice that consisted of slow deep breathing without holding your breath, for 10 minutes. The sessions ended with a 10-minute discussion on emotional well-being, keeping a general positive outlook, and feeling relaxed and free.

You can also try yoga mudras to manage asthma. There are also some yoga asanas you can practice.

Stress Relief

Stress and asthma are known to be linked (23). Not only is stress a symptom of asthma, but it may also cause the issue. People with asthma may struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, and negative emotions. A study conducted in Korea showed that adolescents with asthma had higher stress levels (24). It’s important to look for stress-relieving outlets to manage asthma.

Consider speaking to a therapist. Avoid a stress-filled lifestyle. Practice breathing and stretching exercises. Talk to a stress management consultant to help balance your schedule, workload, and lifestyle. Find a relaxing outlet like dancing, rock climbing, walking, a laughing club, etc.

Another extremely helpful way to relieve stress and manage asthma attacks is to exercise.

Physical Activity

A common misconception is that people with asthma should not exercise as it leads to asthmatic-like symptoms. However, research shows that physical activity can improve cardiorespiratory fitness and manage stress (24). In fact, enhanced physical activity improves asthma control (25). But it is very important to know which exercises to practice. To maintain cardiorespiratory fitness, the World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes (two and a half hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercises throughout the week. However, don’t overexert yourself or try extreme workouts. There are safe exercises you can try, like resistance and strength training. To make sure you have an idea of which exercises you should perform and the intensity of workouts, speak to a physical trainer (therapist).


Acupuncture has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for a long time. It is said to enhance the immune system and relieve congestion caused by phlegm. Acupuncture can inhibit allergic reactions and exhibit anti-asthmatic activity to relieve symptoms (26). Acupuncture works on the theory that there are pressure points that connect the organ meridians in your body. Energy passes through each of these meridians connecting various organs to each other. Acupuncture uses needles to activate these pressure points. For asthma, there are two acupoints to be aware of: the lung meridian and the heart meridian (27). The lung meridian is directly connected to the lungs, while the heart meridian is indirectly connected to the lungs. These two acupoints are the focus of asthma therapy in acupuncture.


Speleotherapy is a type of therapy where people confine themselves to subterranean or underground places, like mines or caves. They stay there for a short period of time, like an hour, and practice physical and breathing exercises. The curative properties of this therapy lies in the air quality, underground climate, and radiation levels of these caves and mines (28). Because of the moderate to high levels of humidity, the air in these underground places is pure. There is little to no pollution, dust, gas pollutants, and pollen to cause breathing issues. There are low levels of bacteria. The climate is constant and the air contains minerals like sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and more. However, more research is needed to solidify the role of speleotherapy in asthma management.


In hypnotherapy, people are lulled into a trance-ish state where they are more relaxed, focused, and open. In a hypnotherapy study conducted with 20 patients, 11 patients showed an excellent response in asthma management, while 5 showed a good response to the therapy (29). Similarly, another study suggested that hypnotherapy might be more effective than breathing exercises in men and women (30). Research also suggests that hypnotherapy might aid in asthma management in adolescents (31). But not much is known about how exactly hypnotherapy works in the body to reduce asthma attacks. It is said to inhibit inflammation and allergic responses in the airways by relaxing it (32). However, while hypnotherapy may be a budding remedy for asthma, there still need to be research conducted to learn its neurophysiological and biomedical affects in the body (32).

Goal List For How To Manage Asthma

Another key factor in managing asthma is your diet. There are certain foods you can eat and some you should avoid.

Diet To Follow For Asthma

The importance of a healthy diet cannot be contested. Incorporate fresh and organic fruits and vegetables in your daily diet and see the difference. Food rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals will ensure healthy functioning of the respiratory system. Some foods that are good for asthmatics are given below:

Fruits – apples, cantaloupes, bananas, kiwi, pineapple, and berries Vegetables – carrots, garlic, avocado, broccoli sprouts, spinach, sweet potatoes, ginger, tomatoes, kale, and Swiss chard Juices – make a healthy concoction by using any of the fruits and vegetables listed above.

Steer clear of junk food and fried fatty food that can act as a trigger for an asthma attack.

List Of Foods That Trigger Asthma

Foods that are allergens around the world are found to be responsible for triggering an asthma attack. The common ones are listed below:

Soy and its products Milk and milk products Peanuts and other nuts Fish, shrimp, and other shellfish Wheat Gluten Eggs

Food additives such as MSG (Monosodium glutamate) can also trigger asthma. Are There Things I Can Change In My Life To Reduce My Risk Of An Asthma Attack? A healthy lifestyle, which includes a decent diet and optimum levels of exercise, can definitely help reduce the risk of an asthma attack. Using home remedies such as garlic or khella can be effective preventive measures against asthma. Does Stress Trigger Asthma? Stress does not specifically trigger asthma, but it can make dealing with its symptoms worse and unbearable. Can You Grow Into Asthma? Asthma can affect anybody at any age. Usually, children develop asthma due to allergies, and adults grow into it due to lung infections or exposure to an irritant, especially at the workplace. What Does Asthma Feel Like? During an attack, an asthmatic experiences regular cough and wheezing, which leads to shortness of breath and tightness of chest. Can You Get Lung Cancer From Asthma? No! Asthma cannot develop into lung cancer. It can, however, lead to a severe respiratory condition known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). At What Age Do You Get Asthma? People can develop asthma at any age, be it 5 or 50. Is It True That Asthma Can Be Cured By Fish Therapy? The fish therapy is administered in the city of Hyderabad, India, for asthma sufferers. The family that holds the secret of the herbs that are used and also many patients claim that this therapy, when taken for three consecutive years, can cure asthma. No research has been conducted on this therapy, and its effectiveness hasn’t been verified by experts. This therapy has become famous only by word-of-mouth and from patients who have benefitted from it. Is Vicks good for asthma? No, Vicks does not help relieve asthma but helps reduce symptoms of the flu and the common cold. Consult your doctor for proper treatment of asthma. How long do asthma attacks last? Mild asthma attacks can last for a few minutes. However, in severe cases, it may last between a few hours to days. What makes asthma worse at night? Factors like dust mites on pillows, mattresses, and blankets and pollen can lead to breathing difficulty at night (nocturnal asthma) (6).
