In this post, we will talk about how Alia Bhatt lost 16 kgs in just 3 months before landing her first job as a Bollywood actress. It is an inspiring story, and if you are a fan and stuck with a few extra kilos, here’s your chance to lose it finally. Read on to get all the deets.

What Motivated Alia Bhatt To Lose Weight?

Alia was a girl with big dreams and goals. She knew she had to lose weight if she wanted to kick-start her career as a leading lady in Karan Johar’s movie. She weighed about 68 kg, and according to her height and age, she was 20 kg overweight. When she auditioned for the stylish character of Shanaya, along with 500 other auditionees, she knew she had to step up her game. Also, Karan Johar was very upfront about her weight and wanted her to lose about 20 kg. In an interview, Alia revealed that being labeled as too big for a role did hit her hard, but that did not stop her from working for it. She said, “It was sheer pain. I felt as if I was an ugly duckling. At first, I was embarrassed, but later felt angry that I had gone to meet a director in the shape I was in. I decided to shed weight first, meet him and take the role. Only that would redeem my self-respect.” Nothing could stop Alia from getting what she wanted. Here’s her weight loss diet that’s super healthy and works well for her.

Alia Bhatt’s Weight Loss Diet

Alia Bhatt’s weight loss diet mostly includes all organic and healthy foods. She loves to eat and never misses a chance to have anything sweet. She loves Pooja Dhingra’s Le 15 Patisserie and Chef Kelvin Cheung’s delectable cakes. She said, “I was put on to a personal fitness instructor, who put me on a diet. So all I ate was vegetables and chicken and gave up everything that I loved to eat.” But movie stars have to live a disciplined life, and she soon learned to eat everything in moderation. She consumes 6-8 meals and includes a source of protein, healthy fats, veggies, fruits, and fresh fruit juices in her diet. She revealed in an interview, “I make it a point to have eight meals a day. That way, I can limit my portion sizes and food gets digested easily. This diet has worked for me.” Here’s Alia Bhatt’s diet plan:

Breakfast: A hot cup of herbal tea or coffee without sugar + a bowl of vegetable poha or an egg white sandwich. Mid-Morning: A bowl of fruit (mostly papaya) or one idli with a bowl of sambar. Lunch: 1 roti without ghee + lots of vegetables + 1 cup daal + curd or vegetable quinoa with chicken Evening Snack: A cup of sugar-free tea or coffee + 1 one idli with a bowl of sambar Dinner: 1 roti without ghee + a bowl of vegetables + 1 cup daal and occasionally a grilled chicken breast.

Along with a good diet, Alia Bhatt also works out. She trains with celebrity trainer Yasmin Karachiwala and is a self-proclaimed Pilates girl. Here’s her 7-day workout plan that works wonders for her.

Alia Bhatt Workout

Day 1

Warm-up – 5 minutes (stretches, slow jogging) Running at 6 mph for 10 minutes on a treadmill Push-ups – 3 sets of 10 reps Lat Pull Downs – 3 sets of 15 reps Triceps Push Down – 3 sets of 12 reps Dumbbell Raises – 3 sets of 20 reps Bicep Curls – 3 sets of 20 reps

Day 2

Warm-up – 5 minutes (stretches, slow jogging) Yoga

Day 3

Warm-up – 5 minutes (stretches, slow jogging) Ab Crunches – 3 sets of 15 reps Bicycle Crunches – 3 sets of 20 reps Reverse Crunches – 3 sets of 15 reps Back Extensions – 3 sets of 15 reps

Day 4


Day 5

Warm-up – 5 minutes (stretches, slow jogging) Running at 6 mph for 10 minutes on a treadmill Squats – 3 sets of 25 reps Forward Lunges – 3 sets of 20 reps Backward Lunges – 3 sets of 20 reps Weighted Lunges – 3 sets of 15 reps

Day 6

Warm-up – 5 minutes (stretches, slow jogging) Yoga

Day 7


Alia Bhatt leads quite a routined life, and she feels great. If you are struggling with your weight and want to get fit, here’s how you can follow in Alia’s footsteps.

How Alia Bhatt’s Diet And Workout Can Work For You

Alia Bhatt’s diet and workout are nothing but lifestyle changes. You too can shed the extra pounds and get fitter by changing your current lifestyle and building good habits. Do not follow exactly what Alia eats or how she works out because your body may or may not respond to her diet and workout. You should get a customized diet chart from a registered dietitian. However, unless you put in effort, no celebrity dietitian or trainer will be able to help you. To bring the change in your lifestyle, follow these points:

Eat clean. Any diet you follow should contain nutrient-dense foods. Stop counting calories! Yes, you read that right. Diet soda has 0 calories but 0 nutritional value. Do not skip breakfast. Include a protein source in every meal. Consume healthy fats like nuts, avocado, olive oil, and avocado oil. Do what you like to do and drive the stress away. Always start your day with a detox drink. Avoid late night snacking. Consume freshly pressed fruit/vegetable juice. Enjoy a cheat day once in 2 weeks only if you have earned it. Sleep early and get up early.

Is Alia Bhatt a vegetarian? No, her diet includes both veg and non-veg food items. How did Alia lose face fat? Eating healthy, in small portions, being disciplined about her workout and practicing yoga helped her lose fat face. Banner Image Credits: Instagram, Instagram