Contact dermatitis is a skin condition in which a substance triggers your immune system, resulting in your skin becoming itchy and irritated. Contact dermatitis caused due to eye makeup can be of two types – allergic contact dermatitis or irritant contact dermatitis: There are certain ingredients in eye makeup products that can cause allergic reactions in your eyes. Let’s check out these ingredients below.

What Ingredients In Eye Makeup Products Cause Allergic Reactions?

Talc: If you look closely at the ingredient list of any eyeshadow, you will see the main ingredient is talcum powder. Overuse of talc around your eyes may cause irritation. Preservatives: Almost all eye makeup products contain some kind of preservatives, like bronopol or dimethicone, which may cause skin and eye irritation. Colorants: The dyes used in eyeshadows may also cause allergic reactions. Fragrances: Most of the time, the fragrances that are used in makeup products are the primary reason behind an allergic reaction.

So, what can you do when you love makeup but have sensitive eyes? Well, there are some makeup tips that you can follow. Check them out in the next section!

Eye Makeup Tips for Sensitive Eyes

1. Opt For Hypoallergenic Makeup

The first rule of buying makeup when you have sensitive eyes is to go for products that are hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic products contain no ingredients that may cause any allergic reaction in and around your eyes. Additionally, you can go for unscented makeup products to reduce the chances of causing any other irritation to your eyes. Also, organic products with fewer chemicals and more natural ingredients are much less likely to cause irritation.

2. Cream Eyeshadow Over Powder Eyeshadow

Choosing a cream eyeshadow over powder eyeshadow can be a good choice to avoid any allergic reaction. Basically, powder eyeshadow contains talc, which is a known irritant. Powder eyeshadow can also spread and fall out around your eyes and cause an allergic reaction.

3. Change The Way You Apply Eye Makeup

Apart from the makeup products, the way you apply makeup can also cause eye irritation. Using hard strokes to apply makeup on your eyelids can cause irritation. Hence, being gentle while applying eyeshadow should be your main goal. The best way to apply makeup on sensitive eyes is by using a patting motion and blending it out without applying too much pressure.

4. Opt For High-Quality Brushes

Another thing that you should keep in your mind is that using unclean brushes or brushes with rough bristles can also cause eye irritation. Instead, use brushes that have soft bristles and wash your brushes regularly to minimize any eye irritation.

5. Avoid Your Waterline

Wearing eyeliner on your waterline gives you a defined look while enhancing the beauty of your eyes. However, if you have sensitive eyes, it is better not to line your waterline with any kind of eyeliner to avoid irritation. If you still want a defined look, you may apply the liner under your waterline.

6. Keep It Simple

It’s best to avoid using too many eye makeup products if you have sensitive eyes. For example, if you are planning to wear eyeliner, you can go eyeshadow-free for that look. Using tons of eye makeup products at once may irritate your eyes and cause an allergic reaction.

7. Remove Your Makeup Thoroughly

Removing eye makeup properly at the end of the day is one of the most important things you need to do to keep your sensitive eyes safe. Avoid going to sleep with makeup on. Use a good makeup remover or cleansing balm to gently remove all your eye makeup. What is the best eye makeup for very sensitive eyes? If you have sensitive skin, opt for minimal makeup looks. If you want a heavy makeup look, use products from the same brand instead of multiple brands. Different brands may contain various ingredients that don’t go well together. Can eyeshadow cause an allergic reaction? Yes, eyeshadows may contain synthetic colors and harsh ingredients that can irritate your skin. Why do my eyes burn when I use eyeliner? The eyeliner may contain ingredients that don’t suit your skin. Why are my eyes suddenly allergic to mascara? You may be using a new brand of mascara, or the formulation of your regular mascara may have changed. The mascara may contain ingredients that are irritating the delicate skin around your eyes.
