Note: The results depend on your age, height, and medical history.

10 Simple Tips To Lose Weight Fast At Home

1. Load Up On Dietary Fiber

The best way to reduce calorie intake is by incorporating more fiber into your diet. The recommended amount is about 30 grams a day. Soluble fiber absorbs water and transforms into a gel during digestion. Insoluble fiber remains undigested as it passes through your system. Both types of fiber slow down the process of digestion and help you feel fuller for longer (1).

Expert Tip By Steve Maxwell (Fitness Coach)

Steve Maxwell:

2. Avoid Consuming Simple Carbs

Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and cause a spike in blood sugar levels. This, in turn, causes an increase in calorie intake (2). That is why you must limit the intake of simple carbs. Avoid refined flour, refined sugar, candy, pastries, packaged foods, ketchup, sauces, etc. that are loaded with simple carbs. Instead, consume veggies, fruits, and whole grains, which are great sources of complex carbs (or dietary fiber).

Expert Tip By Hayden William Courtland (Personal Trainer)

Hayden William

3. Consume Healthy Or Good Fats

Not all fat is bad. Most junk foods contain unhealthy or saturated fats, which are responsible for an array of diseases. Unsaturated fats, which are found in avocado, olive oil, and nuts, can help lower cholesterol and the risk for heart diseases when consumed in moderation.

Expert Tip By Dave Asprey (Founder Bulletproof 360 Inc. and Bulletproof Nutrition Inc. / Lifestyle Guru)

Dave Asprey:

4. Incorporate A Workout Regimen Into Your Routine

Exercising regularly helps burn calories and boosts metabolism. It also helps in maintaining lean muscle. Lean muscles contain more mitochondria (the cell organelles in which glucose is converted to ATP). This, in turn, boosts your metabolism. Get 3-5 hours of exercise per week. Choose a workout that interests you (gym, swim, play, dance, etc.). Also, make sure you tweak your calorie intake as per your activity level. The more you workout, the more calories from healthy food you must consume.

Expert Tip By Victoria Garcia Drago (Yoga Instructor)

Victoria Garcia Drago:

5. Avoid Junk Food Completely

Carbonated drinks, tea or coffee with milk and refined sugar, candies, chocolates, wafers, fries, fried chicken, ranch dips, etc. are some examples of junk food.  These are high in calories as well as unhealthy trans fats. However, remember, not all low-calorie foods are good either! For example, diet soda – it contains 0 calories, but it also has 0 nutritional value. Avoid consuming artificial, frozen, over fried, and processed foods.

Expert Tip By Matt Swierzysnki (Personal Trainer)

Matt Swierzysnki:

6. Choose Healthy Snacks

Unhealthy snacking is the biggest culprit that causes weight gain. Fries, chips, and cookies do nothing to fill us up but add a lot of refined carbs, sugar, and unhealthy fats. Opt for snacks that have high fiber content. Consume fruits, nuts, seeds, green tea, herbal tea, black coffee without sugar or milk, and protein shakes as snacks also try the pineapple diet.

Expert Tip By Jaime Mcfaden (Health and Fitness Coach)

Jaime Mcfaden:

7. Eat Smaller Portions

When you see more food on your plate, you tend to eat more (3). Hence, it makes sense to serve yourself smaller portions. This will prevent overeating and help you lose weight – without having to give up your favorite foods. Tip: Eat in a small plate to make the portion appear more than what you can consume.

Expert Tip by Alex Curtis (Yoga Instructor)


8. Cook Your Meals

With work and miscellaneous other tasks demanding your attention, cooking your meals can seem like too much of a chore. But if you are looking to lose weight, this is a great step you can take. You get to keep the calorie count in mind, you eat freshly cooked food, it is cost-effective, and helps you control the portion size.

Expert Tip By Nicole Chaplin (Master Personal Trainer)


9. Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough water is crucial for weight loss. Insufficient water intake could be misinterpreted as hunger by your brain, which may cause you to overeat. Drink a glass of water when you feel hungry at an odd time.

Expert Tip By Dai Manuel (Lifestyle Mentor)

Dai Manuel:

10. Avoid Getting Stressed Out

Stress triggers the secretion of cortisol, which turns on your hunger hormones, causing you to eat emotionally. Stress also increases inflammation in the body, resulting in inflammation-induced weight gain. Whenever you are stressed out, take a walk, run, talk to a friend, sleep, or seek advice from a professional therapist. You may also take up a hobby, learn a new skill, travel, read, work for an NGO, maintain a “feelings” journal, and meditate regularly.

Expert Tip By Amber Ellison Walker (Co-Founder And Head)

Amber Ellison Walker: These are 10 tips to lose weight in 10 days. Here’s a 10-day diet plan to help you understand how to space your meals and what and how much to eat. Now, the main question is, how to maintain weight loss after the 10th day? Here are a few suggestions:

What To Do After 10 Days To Maintain Weight Loss?

Continue being on a low-calorie diet. Choose a diet that fits your routine. Continue working out regularly. Get proper sleep and rest. Get a full medical checkup to find out the underlying reason for weight gain. Avoid junk food. Avoid consuming too much alcohol. Paste motivational quotes in your room to keep your weight loss game on track.

Will I lose weight if I only drink water for 3 days? Yes. However, this is not only unsafe but also dangerous for your health. Prolonged water fasting can have adverse effects on the body, like low blood sugar and low electrolyte levels. Make sure you have a well-constructed post-fasting meal plan ready (4). How do you get a flat stomach overnight? Even though the results will not be apparent overnight, try to avoid foods that cause bloating and eat lighter meals instead. Consistent long-term results can be achieved by combining a healthy balanced diet with a disciplined exercise regimen. How can I lose 10 kgs in 10 days? Cut out refined, processed foods with added sugars from your diet and eat nutritious vegetables and fruits instead. Keep a close eye on your calorie intake and make sure you follow a strict exercise regimen to shed your water weight.
