Onion Juice – A Brief

We often include a good number of juices in our diet to stay in the peak of health. But have you thought about using onion juice ever? I know that when it comes to juices, we mostly rely on fresh fruits and vegetables. The onion is never our first choice. However, being a rich source of the organosulfur compound, ‘allicin,’ the juice of this vegetable can boost our metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation, decrease cardiovascular risks, and treat urinary disorders (1, 2, 3). Wait, the benefits and advantages of onion juice don’t end here. There’s more to the story. This wonderful vegetable is high in sulfur, vitamins A, B, C, and E, powerful antioxidants quercetin and many other flavonoids which are doubled and even tripled when two or more onions are reduced to make a thick juice. Onion juice is totally skin friendly, making them wrinkle-free and radiant. It also tackles hair problems. With so many benefits, why not make the best use of this? Let’s dive straight in to find out how to make onion juice in the correct way.

How To Make Onion Juice At Home

Making fresh onion juice in the confines of our home is no rocket science! All you require are a few onions, a juicer, lots of patience, and the ability to handle the strong odor of onion that might burn your eyes! Ready for the challenge? Go ahead and have a look:

2-3 medium size onions A sharp knife A juicer A medium-size glass jar

Note: Apart from a juicer, a blender (hand-operated or machine) or even a grater can be used for making onion juice. In the case of a blender, you have to follow the aforementioned procedure exactly for preparing the onion for juicing. And if you are juicing an onion using a grater, there is no need to cut off the opposite ends of the vegetable.

How To Use Onion Juice For Skin, Hair And Health

After you are done with the initial process of onion juice extraction, it helps to know about its use. We have listed here a few ways in which you can utilize this amazing concoction to achieve better skin, hair, and health. Check them out!

Onion Juice Packs For Skin

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to spend a lot to get that perfect skin. You can achieve the desired effect by using natural products as well, especially onion juice. Have a look:

1. Onion Juice And Gram Flour Skin Rejuvenating Face Mask

1 1/2 tablespoon freshly extracted onion juice 2 tablespoons gram flour 1/2 teaspoon milk A pinch of nutmeg 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil Cotton ball

2. Onion Juice And Tomato Juice Anti-Acne Face Mask

1 tablespoon fresh onion juice 1/2 tablespoon tomato juice 1/2 teaspoon neem oil Cotton balls

Note: Check for allergies before using tomato juice. Many people develop skin irritation and red skin after using tomato juice on their skin. Doing a patch test on the underside of the wrist or foot is a good way to find out possible allergic reactions. If sensitive, it’s better to skip this remedy altogether.

3. Onion Juice And Yogurt For Youthful Radiance

1 tablespoon onion juice 1 tablespoon fresh yogurt 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil

How To Make Onion Juice Packs For Hair

This juice has been used for hair treatment for a very long time. When applied directly to the bald patches, it is known to accelerate hair growth just after few uses. But there are a lot of other variations of making onion juice that take care of the different subsets of hair care. Let’s know more about how to make onion juice for hair growth here:

1. Onion Juice And Honey To Control Hair Loss

1/4 cup of fresh onion juice 1 tablespoon of honey Shower Cap A plastic bowl

2. Onion Juice And Coconut Oil For Hair Nourishment

1 tablespoon onion juice 1/2 tablespoon coconut oil

3. Onion Juice And Beer For quick Hair Growth

1 1/2 tablespoon freshly extracted onion juice 1 tablespoon beer

Disclaimer: While it helps your hair, we don’t encourage the use of beer. Use this remedy only if you are okay with this ingredient.

4. Onion Juice And Lemon For Dandruff-Control

1 1/2 tablespoon onion juice 1 teaspoon freshly extracted lemon juice

5. Onion Juice And Yogurt For Shine

1 1/2 tablespoon onion juice 1 tablespoon yogurt

6. Onion Juice And Garlic For Alopecia

1 tablespoon onion juice 1 clove of garlic 1/2 tablespoon olive oil

Note: Adding some lemon juice or rose water to your hair rinse might help prevent the pungent smell of the onion juice. Rosemary, lavender and peppermint essential oils are also a good solution to sabotage the odor. So, now you know how to use onion juice for hair growth, let’s look benefits f=of onion juice for your health.

Onion Juice For Health

Using onion juice in a certain way can help prevent and treat a number of diseases. Have a look:

1. Raw Onion Juice For Earache

1 tablespoon freshly extracted onion juice Cotton ball

2. Onion Juice And Honey For Cough

2 tablespoons onion juice 2 tablespoons honey

3. Onion Juice And Ginger Juice Boosts Libido

1 tablespoon of onion juice 1 tablespoon ginger juice

Can I drink onion juice everyday? Yes, when consumed in moderation, onion juice can help make a good difference to your hair,skin, and overall health. Does onion juice make hair white? No, onion juice helps improve blood circulation and retain the natural health and color of your hair. When should I drink onion water? Drinking onion water on empty stomach helps make the most of its benefits. Is onion good for lungs? Yes, its anti-inflammatory properties makes it beneficial for lung health as well. Can I apply onion juice after oiling my hair? It is ideally applied to clean, oil-free scalp for optimum benefits.