How To Do Intermittent Fasting For Beginners 

To begin intermittent fasting, follow these 5 rules:  #1  – There is no calorie restriction in intermittent fasting. But you can easily consume fewer calories by breaking down your food intake to 6 meals per day. Skip one of the meals, and you will reduce your calorie intake. #2 – Test the waters first. Fast for 6 hours and then gradually increase your fasting duration. Fast once or twice a week before trying to fast intermittently every alternate day or every day.  #3  –  Try to schedule your fasting phase in a way that you get 7 hours of sleep during that time. Go to bed 3-4 hours after a big meal, get your sleep, and you are already into 11 hours of fast! Wait it out for 1-4 hours (depending on the type of intermittent fasting you do), and you have successfully fasted intermittently. #4 – Keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough water.  #5 – Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian. If they allow you to do intermittent fasting, move ahead! There are various ways you can do intermittent fasting. Listed below are the types of intermittent fasting. Choose the one that suits you.

6 Ways To Do Intermittent Fasting 

Note: Skip a meal only if you had a heavy meal and are not very hungry.

Intermittent Fasting Diet – What To Eat

During Feasting Hours Or Days – Eat foods that satiate your hunger and keep your taste buds alive. You may take the liberty to eat anything.But if you are going on intermittent fasting for health reasons or to lose weight,  avoid foods that nullify your effort. Also, avoid foods that you are allergic to. During Fasting Hours Or Days – Consume a total of 500 calories per day (for women) or 600 calories per day (for men). Foods rich in dietary fiber will keep you full. Drink water, coconut water, and freshly pressed juices. Consume raw/grilled vegetable salad with lime juice, a pinch of Himalayan pink salt, a tablespoon of olive oil, and a dash of smoked paprika. Sip on detox water made with watermelon, kiwi, cucumber, and a pinch of salt. It will keep your body from missing out on essential micronutrients and electrolytes. Mint leaves tend to increase hunger, so avoid using them. Here’s a sample intermittent fasting diet schedule if you choose the 16/8 intermittent fasting method:

Sample Intermittent Fasting Diet Chart 

You can eat anything you want in the 8-hour window. This diet chart is a generic diet chart, and it is not specifically meant for weight loss or any other health issue(s). Clearly, intermittent fasting doesn’t keep you from eating what you want in a window of time. But what if you want to lose weight? Will intermittent fasting work? Find out next.

Does Intermittent Fasting Work For Weight Loss?

Yes, intermittent fasting works for weight loss. Here’s how:

Lowers blood glucose and improves insulin sensitivity – Studies show that intermittent fasting helps lower blood glucose levels and reduces body weight. It does so by lowering insulin levels and improving insulin sensitivity (5), (6), (7).

Uses fat stores as an energy source – When you are in a fasted state (not had food for at least 6-8 hours), it becomes easier for your body to burn fat, irrespective of what you have eaten. Instead of drawing fuel from glucose, your body starts converting glycogen and/or protein to glucose. When the protein reserve is fully utilized, fat is used as a source of fuel.

Increases number of good gut bacteria – Intermittent fasting also increases the number and variety of gut microbes, which aid proper digestion (8). It also helps lower inflammation and inflammation-induced weight gain (9).

Fasting prompts growth hormone-induced fat loss – Scientists have found that fasting induces the secretion of growth hormone (10). This, in turn, aids fat loss (11).

When it comes to weight loss, the keto diet is quite the trend these days. Can you be on keto and intermittent fasting together? Let’s find out.

Can You Do Intermittent Fasting On A Keto Diet?

Yes, you may continue being on the keto diet while intermittent fasting. But here’s the catch. Intermittent fasting does not restrict carb consumption. Fasting for long might make you want to consume foods rich in carbohydrates, which may throw you off ketosis. But if you can load up on fat and protein and limit your carb consumption according to the keto diet guidelines, you can successfully be in ketosis. What if you want to build muscle and not just lose fat? Can you build muscles while following intermittent fasting? Find your answer below.

Can You Build Muscle On Intermittent Fasting? 

Yes, you can build muscle while on intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting will help shed the extra pounds. You must include strength training in your routine to build muscle. You may choose to hit the gym in the morning in the fasted state or in the evening before dinner.  There are many benefits of lifting weights or strength training that you can reap whether you want to build muscle or not. Other than weight loss, intermittent fasting has other health benefits. Here’s a list. 

Other Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting Is Easier Than “Dieting”

Fasting intermittently is easier than going on a restrictive diet. Intermittent fasting breaks the monotony of consuming the same foods in the same quantities and makes dieting fun and interesting.

Aids Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and maintain weight loss (12). The alternating low-calorie and high-calorie food intake keep your cells functioning well, which, in turn, boosts metabolism.

Protects Heart Health

Intermittent fasting is a great way to shed fat and, consequently, help improve your heart health. American scientists found that by practicing alternate-day fasting, obese patients were able to lose weight and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) (13).

Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Intermittent fasting may also help improve insulin sensitivity (14). When your body becomes insulin sensitive, your glucose metabolism improves, and you stop feeling hungry all the time.

Promote Cellular Repair And Autophagy

Intermittent fasting may also improve cellular repair and autophagy. Autophagy is your body’s natural process of degrading the dysfunctional components of the cells and recycling them. The upregulation of autophagy may be neuroprotective and act as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (15).

Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth

Rat studies showed that intermittent fasting might help reduce the risk of cancer by increasing the antioxidant effect and inhibiting cancer cell growth (16). However, more human studies are needed for further confirmation.

Protects Brain Function

Intermittent fasting (IF) helps improve cognitive function and protect the brain from an inflammatory response (17). Scientists have found that IF can help ameliorate neurodegeneration in mice with induced Alzheimer’s disease (18). IF can also help increase the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which has been found to protect the brain from degeneration and dysfunction in animal models (19).

Reduces Inflammation And Blood Pressure

Intermittent fasting may also help reduce inflammation and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Additionally, if you are hypertensive, fasting intermittently may help reduce your blood pressure (20).

Lowers Bad Cholesterol Levels

Intermittent fasting can help in lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) (21). It also reduces triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are fats found in blood, and their elevated levels can lead to cardiovascular problems (22).  There is no reason you shouldn’t fast intermittently. But are you wondering if you should be fasting at all? Let’s find out in the next section. 

When To Avoid Intermittent Fasting?

As per the John Hopkins University, kids and adolescents under the age of 18 should avoid intermittent fasting (23). Other than that, you should avoid intermittent fasting in the following cases:

Avoid intermittent fasting if you are underweight, have an eating disorder, or have been advised against it by your doctor. A few studies have shown that women tend to miss their period, and their blood sugar levels go up when they practice intermittent fasting (24), (25), (26). Therefore, avoid intermittent fasting if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have fertility issues. If you do not sleep well and have chronic stress, do not fast intermittently. Avoid intermittent fasting if you have low blood pressure and blood sugar regulation problems.

Note: Always consult your doctor before practicing intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is not meant for everyone. If you have a history of eating disorders, you should not fast without consulting your doctor first. Before we come to a close, take a quick look at the side effects of IF. 

Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting

You may feel irritated. When practiced long-term, it may lead to an eating disorder. It may hinder athletic performance. It may cause muscle loss. It may cause amenorrhea and infertility in women.

Can I drink lemon water during intermittent fasting? The intermittent fasting method permits plain lemon water containing solely lemon juice. The beverage does not break your fast as it has nearly no calories. When practicing intermittent fasting, drinking 1 or 2 glasses of lemon water can also aid in fat loss and hunger control. Can you take vitamins during intermittent fasting? Regular vitamin pills and capsules are safe to take while fasting because they are unlikely to alter insulin levels. However, vitamins sold as liquids, chewable tablets, or gummies are often flavored with sweeteners. They can provoke an insulin spike, so take them within your meal period if you use them.