Drink fenugreek soaked water first thing in the morning (add two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds to a cup of water (375 ml) and let them soak overnight), 30 minutes before breakfast. Avoid adding fenugreek seeds to detox water if you have hypoglycemia. Instead, you can have lime water.

2. Have A High-Protein Breakfast

A high-protein breakfast, like protein powder smoothies and eggs or Greek yogurt and oatmeal, helps in keeping you full for a long duration. Proteins take longer to digest and hence increase satiety. Sara Chatfield, MPH, RDN, says, “A high-protein diet will not cause belly fat unless the diet is too high in calories. In fact, adequate protein is important for maintaining muscle mass and metabolic rate during weight loss. However, eating too much of sugar and refined carbs from sugary drinks, packaged snack foods, and white flour products can lead to more belly fat storage.” Dietary sources of protein increase thermogenesis in the body, which means you burn calories to digest the protein. Proteins also help build lean muscle. The number of mitochondria found in lean muscle is higher. If lean muscle increases, the number of mitochondria also increases, which, in turn, helps boost metabolism (5).

3. Eat Smaller Portions More Often

Practicing portion control is a great way to reduce calorie intake. You may buy portion control plates to get an idea of how much protein, veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats you should consume per meal. As a rule of thumb, half of the plate should be lean protein, one-fourth of it should be veggies, and the rest should be whole grains and healthy fats. Also, use smaller plates for your meals (6). Have a meal or snacks every 3 hours. Include a healthy snack between two large meals. This will keep you from eating large quantities of food when you are super hungry. If you are new to the portion control concept, this article can help.

4. Reduce Refined Carbs And Sugar

Research proves that increased consumption of refined carbs and sugar can lead to weight gain (7). Refined carbs are easy to digest. This, in turn, reduces satiety and increases blood glucose levels. High intake of refined sugar increases fat deposition and inflammation-induced weight gain (8). Therefore, it is best to avoid foods like burgers, pizza, cakes, pastry, churros, sodas, etc. (9).

5. Drink Enough Water To Reduce Belly Fat

Various studies prove that drinking approximately eight glasses of water per day can help increase thermogenesis, satiety, and fat mobilization (10), (11), (12). Keep sipping water throughout the day to start reducing belly fat. Here’s how much water to drink per day.

6. Increase Intake Of High-Fiber Foods

Dietary fiber has a low glycemic index and helps to increase satiety by forming a gel-like layer in the stomach. Dietary fiber also acts as food for good gut bacteria, which break down fat into short-chain fatty acids (13), (14). The short-chain fatty acids can help reduce belly fat (15), (16). Fiber adds bulk to the stool, thereby making food transition in the colon easier. This, in turn, improves digestion. If you are not sure which foods are high in dietary fiber, check out this list.

7. Consume Omega-3 Rich Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) can help reduce inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of inflammation-induced weight gain. PUFAs can also help prevent fat accumulation, improve body composition, and increase satiety (17), (18).

8. Consume Veggies And Dark Leafy Greens

Veggies and dark leafy greens are good sources of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Scientists have found that consuming veggies regularly helps reduce waist circumference and reduces the risk of obesity (19). It is important to note that though veggies and fruits can help in shedding belly fat, you must practice portion control and not consume excess calories (20).

9. Make Snacking Healthy And Tasty

Losing weight or being on a diet does not mean you have to give up on snacking. You have to snack healthy (21). It is a good practice to snack on a handful of nuts, low GI fruits like apple, watermelon, oranges, and muskmelon, and veggies like carrots, cucumber, and celery. You may also have Greek yogurt, berries, and homemade granola bars.

10. Reduce Salt Consumption

High salt consumption can lead to obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and diabetes (22). Salt also tends to retain water in the body, thereby increasing your overall body weight. If you just have a week to shed belly fat, reduce your salt intake. Cut out foods like fries, chicken nuggets, potato wedges, potato wafers, pizza, ketchup, packaged salad dressings, packed noodles, ready-to-eat foods, canned food, and pickles from your diet.

11. Consume Green Tea/Black Coffee

Green tea is great for weight loss. It contains EGCG, which is an antioxidant that helps flush out toxins and reduce inflammation in the body (23). The caffeine in green tea also helps in weight loss. Caffeine and chlorogenic acid in coffee increase satiety and induce thermogenesis (24). You may drink 3-4 cups of green tea or 2 cups of black coffee per day. Opt for decaffeinated tea and coffee if you have caffeine intolerance.

12. Add Ginger To Detox Water

Researchers have found that ginger aids weight loss by increasing satiety, thermogenesis, and fat burning and suppressing fat synthesis and absorption (25). Adding 3-4 slices of ginger to your detox water will not only add zest to the water but also help you shed belly fat quickly.

13. Avoid Consuming Trans Fats

Trans fats are unhealthy fats that can lead to abdominal obesity and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, high blood sugar levels, and breast cancer (26). Try pre-cooking meals and refrigerating them. Have one when you are hungry instead of opting for a trans-fat-loaded food. You can also prepare low-calorie healthy snacks.

14. Reduce Alcohol Consumption

A research study shows that moderate to light alcohol consumption does not lead to obesity, but regular consumption of excessive alcohol does (27). You may have a glass or two of wine once or twice a week.

15. Consume Whole Grains

Whole grains, like wheat, barley, sorghum, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, broken wheat, and oats, help increase satiety and lower post-meal glucose and insulin levels (28). You can make delicious low-cal breakfasts or 30-min meals with whole grains.

16. Mix Cardio And Strength Training

Sara Chatfield says, “The most effective way to lose belly fat is through aerobic exercises that burn fat, like brisk walking, cycling, swimming, aerobic dancing, or tennis. Combining aerobic exercise with muscle-building resistance training exercises, like weight lifting, elastic bands, push-ups, or squats, is even more effective for reducing belly fat.” Exercising is extremely important for mobilizing fat and toning up (29). Cardio helps improve heart and lung function, stamina, and endurance and shed overall body fat. If you do not have the time to hit the gym, here are a few at-home cardio exercises. Strength training, on the other hand, helps you tone up. You can lift weights, do resistance training, HIIT, or use your bodyweight to burn calories, sweat, and get a sculpted body. Do a mix of cardio and strength training (at least 30 minutes of cardio, 3 to 4 times a week, and 30 minutes of strength training for 2 days) to see a visible difference (30).

17. De-Stress Regularly

Did you know that cortisol (the stress hormone) leads to chronic low-grade inflammation in the body (31)? This, in turn, causes fat to accumulate in the abdomen area. Scientists have also found that an increased amount of stress can lead to emotional eating and abdominal obesity (32). It is very important that you de-stress and unwind every day. Set aside 20 minutes for yourself. Listen to mild music, paint, read a book, talk to an old friend, or learn a new skill. You must also get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.


Reducing belly fat is tough, and it is not possible to lose belly fat in a week without undergoing surgery by a licensed doctor. Talk to your doctor to know if there is an underlying reason, such as a genetic predisposition of abdominal obesity, medical history, and current medications. Follow these tips and stay focused, and you will start shedding belly fat eventually. Check out the infographic below to learn more about the exercises you need to add to your daily routine to burn your belly fat quickly and effectively. What food flattens your stomach fast? Sara Chatfield says, “Reaching for foods high in soluble fiber is a good bet for reducing belly fat. Soluble fiber slows down sugar absorption and helps you feel full with fewer calories. Good sources of soluble fiber include beans, oats, sweet potatoes, apples, pears, oranges, nuts, and seeds.” Which exercise burns the most belly fat? Intense aerobic exercises such as running, walking at a brisk pace, jogging, cycling, and swimming can help burn belly fat. Including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your workout routine can help speed up calorie burn and reduce belly fat. Do planks burn belly fat? Exercises such as the plank, crunches, squats, and sit-ups utilize body weight and work the abdominal muscles, which make them effective at reducing belly fat. However, it is important to note that these exercises do not spot-reduce abdominal fat. Instead, they facilitate overall fat loss which translates to reduced waist circumference. How long does it take for belly fat to go away? It may take up to 26 months for a woman and 21 months for a man to safely lose belly fat. However, this largely depends on several factors such as starting, existing metabolism, workout plans, diet, age, lifestyle, etc. How can I reduce my belly fat without exercise? You can reduce belly fat by following a low-carb, high-protein diet. Diet plays a more important role in weight loss than exercise. However, exercise has numerous benefits, so it is important to stay at least moderately active. Does apple cider vinegar burn belly fat? There is a lack of evidence to suggest that apple cider vinegar burns belly fat. However, proponents of ACV claim that drinking ACV on an empty stomach may curb appetite and facilitate weight loss.