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Lemonade Diet For Weight Loss

1. What Is Lemonade Diet?

It is a Master Cleanse, very low calorie diet plan for internal detoxification. The lemonade diet has four main ingredients – fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and pure water. The diet is sometimes also known as the ‘juice cleanse’. This diet is reputed to be the best diet to shed extra weight and get rid of the accumulated toxins. The lemonade diet was developed by Stanley Burroughs in the 1940s. But it picked up around 1976 when Burroughs wrote two books, “The Master Cleanser“ and “Healing for the Age of Enlightenment”, giving precious information about the diet. The lemonade diet is said to do wonders by cleansing the body of harmful toxins, especially in the colon region. Today, the lemonade diet is one of the most rapid and extreme weight loss programs for those who wish to lose those extra pounds super quick. A study on Korean subjects revealed that this special diet helped reduce body weight and fat mass and improved insulin resistance (1). However, one should take a great care while following this plan, and it should be under close supervision of health professionals. While following this diet, no solid food is allowed. It calls for six or more servings of the specialized lemonade mixture every day. In addition to this, the salt water flush helps to cleanse the body. Different people incorporate this diet for varying amounts of time, mostly lasting for two days. Combining food with the diet throughout the entire process would, therefore, defeat its main purpose. However, food can be included in the beginning and at the end of the lemon diet to ease your body into and off the diet.

2. How Does The Lemonade Work For Weight Loss?

Those following the lemonade diet are required to consume a concoction of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and pure water at least six times a day. Any solid food should be avoided, except for phases 1 and 3. Care should be taken to include solids, exclude solids, and again re-include solids judiciously to protect the body from the sudden attack of a very low-calorie diet. The intake of calories must be well below the dieter’s previous daily intake. Individuals on the diet should consume approximately 500 to 600 calories a day, which is well below the prescribed 1,600 calories for women and 2,500 calories for men. The intake of a low-calorie liquid diet for 10 days will help your body use the fat cells as the energy source for performing the necessary functions (2). A study showed that people aged between 18-29 years who were given a lemon and honey concoction for 4 days lost nearly 2.2 kg and improved their triglyceride levels (3). We need to remember that these fancy diet plans are temporary not permanent and sustainable solutions to lose weight.

3. How Does Lemonade Diet Work For Cleansing?

The combined effect of lemon, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup helps to cleanse your internal organs and eliminate toxins deposited from excessive stress, environmental pollution, and excessive visceral fat. The lemonade diet’s main ingredient, lemon, is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. The antioxidants scavenge the free oxygen radicals that damage the structure of the cells and prevent degenerative diseases (4). Moreover, lemon polyphenols also prevent fat accumulation by increasing beta oxidation of fatty acids (5). Though maple syrup contains refined sugar but a good source of minerals and antioxidants. It is a good source of manganese, which helps the cells to produce energy and is essential for normal nerve and brain function. This sweet, golden syrup also contains zinc that boosts the immune system. Other minerals found in maple syrup such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium help prevent stroke and high blood pressure. But make sure to use it judiciously as it has a high glycemic index (54) and glycemic load (10) and may shoot up blood glucose levels (6). Capsaicin, the active component of cayenne pepper, has thermogenic effects, which boost the metabolic rate and aid fat loss (7). A study found that capsaicin in red pepper provided fullness and satiety (8). Water keeps your body cells hydrated, maintains cell turgidity, and helps to flush out toxins in the body.

4. The Lemonade Diet Plan

Phase 1

This is a 3-day ‘ease-in’ period. In this phase, you get ready for the Lemonade Diet or the master cleanse.

Day 1 & 2

The first two days of the first phase are crucial. Your calorie intake has been reduced considerably. All unhealthy foods have been replaced with nutritious foods. The lemonade will start working by flushing out toxins from your body. Fewer portions of lunch and dinner will make sure that you eat less. This is the perfect way to signal your body to get prepared for the coming days. Useful Tips: Snack on fruits or crunchy vegetables. Drink a glass of water right before lunch or dinner.

Phase 1 : Day 3

On the third day, fewer solid foods are included in the diet chart. The veggies and the tuna salad will provide your body with just the right amount of nutrition your body needs for a day. The lemonade now starts working as a cleanser and also signals the brain that there isn’t enough food and some fat burning is needed.Why This Works Useful Tips: Eat one apple or watermelon. This will make you feel full. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of fat-free milk.

Phase 2 – The 10-day weight loss and cleansing lemonade diet.

Day 4 – Day 13

This is the toughest phase of this diet. You only have to drink the lemonade six times a day. You cannot eat any solid food or any other liquid food. If you feel hungry, drink water. You will probably feel fatigued as this is a very low-calorie diet. If you feel sick, do not continue with this phase. Start with the Phase 3 diet chart. The lemonade will kick start the weight loss in your body. This is a low-calorie diet, but the maple syrup, lemon, and cayenne pepper will provide you with sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Since you will not be taking any fat or carbs, your body will have nothing to store. The already stored fat will be utilized as energy, which will also aid in weight loss. Useful Tips: Take as much rest as possible. Since you are on a low-calorie diet, try to conserve as much energy as possible. Do not take stress. Drink enough water.

Phase 3

The 3-day ‘ease-out’ period in which solid foods are re-introduced into your diet.

Day 14

Solid foods are slowly introduced back into your diet. This will ensure that you regain the normal routine of taking solid foods gradually. Increasing your calorie intake suddenly may cause you harm as your body will not be able to process the food so fast. Useful Tips: Try to avoid overeating. Give your body the time to heal. Do not exercise.

Day 15

The fruits and veggies will provide your body the right amount of nutrients it needs. A protein source, such as chicken or fish or lentils, will make sure that your muscles are strengthened as well. Useful Tips: It is still best not to workout. You can go on a short, lazy walks. Do not overeat. The watermelon juice is important, and you should not skip it.

Day 16

On the last day of phase 3, you can eat up to 1600 calories. As this is not scientifically healthy, being high in sugar, glycemic index, and glycemic load, it may hamper your blood glucose regulation and cause fatty liver. It provides you with the perfect amount of veggies, fruits, and protein sources so that you can regain your strength. All through this, the lemonade will continue to cleanse your body and keep a check on your body weight. Useful Tips: Avoid any fattening foods, no matter how tempting they might be. You can have a cheat day once a week. If you start munching on junk right away, you will gain weight faster and, probably, you will gain more weight. Snack on fruits.

5. How To Prepare the Lemonade Detox Drink?

Water 2 tablespoons of Grade B maple syrup 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice A pinch of cayenne pepper

In a glass, add the rich maple syrup. Add lemon juice. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper. Finally, add water and stir well.

6. What To Consume During This Diet

Fruits – Apple, orange, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, watermelon, and melon.Vegetables – Spinach, carrot, beetroot, tomato, capsicum, lettuce, beans, gourds, eggplant, onion, broccoli, cabbage, and squash.Herbs – Coriander, mint, thyme, rosemary, and dill.Nuts – Almonds and walnuts.Protein – Lentils, sprouts, fish, chicken, tofu, turkey, soy, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds.Beverages – Fruit juice, buttermilk, and green tea.

7. What Not To Consume During This Diet

Fruits – Ripe mango, dates, plum, apricot, sultana, and papaya.Vegetables – Pumpkin, butternut squash, and potato.Nuts – Cashew, hazelnuts, and peanuts.Protein – Beef and pork.Beverages – Alcohol, sweetened and carbonated drinks, and sweetened fruit juice.

8. Role Of Exercise When On The Lemonade Diet

The lemonade diet will provide you with 600-700 calories per day. It is best to avoid any rigorous workout routines during this period. Your body will not have enough energy to support it. You may feel weak and fatigued. However, you can do yoga and a few stretching exercises to maintain blood circulation.

9. Best Part Of Lemonade Diet

The best part of this diet is that you get a slim body quickly and also end up with gorgeous skin. Low calories keep your weight in check and also use up the stored fat as energy to perform various functions. The ingredients of the lemonade diet constantly provide your body with vitamins and minerals. Also, this diet includes solid foods before and after the actual lemonade diet phase. This helps your body to gradually get used to less food.

10. Benefits Of Lemonade Diet

The benefit of this diet is often explained in the form of rapid weight loss. To put it in a better way, this program enables the body to regain its balance of elements and maintain its optimum weight. Those who are not overweight lose between 2-3 kgs, and those who are underweight reestablish the balance of the body’s metabolism. The process would have taken much longer if the body had to burn off all the excess fat. The loss of weight is only a secondary effect, the principal effect being the detox of organs by lowering calorie intake. Moreover, the body gets rid of fat deposits. It is in the course of this purification that the skin and hair get rejuvenated. Detoxification will allegedly rid the body of warts, arthritis, asthma, stomach troubles, etc. Besides, lemon juice and cayenne pepper will flush out the excess fat from your body, leading to rapid weight loss during the diet. They also cleanse the lymphatic system of toxins. The maple syrup contains all the nutrients your body needs to function during this time. It is good for your skin, hair, heart, and digestive system.

11. Side Effects Of Lemonade Diet

This diet can cause fatigue and weakness. The beverage does not provide proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, or fat to the body. This diet leads to slowing of the metabolism of the body to conserve energy as the mixture supplies minimal energy. This may lead to weight gain if this diet is followed for a longer period. It will weaken your immune system. You may experience mood swings and find it hard to concentrate.

12. Dos & Don’ts

How much weight can I lose with the help of lemonade diet? This is a fad diet and cannot be viewed as a solution for long-term weight loss. In fact, it could prove to be counterproductive and adversely affect your health. You can lose 8-10 pounds, depending on how strictly you follow this diet. Do not over starve yourself. Can I follow this diet after childbirth? Diet is not recommended immediately after childbirth. It is extremely low in calories, which will make you weak and hinder your recovery. Consult your doctor after a month or two to know whether it will be right for you to follow this diet. I have diabetes. Can I follow this diet to lose a few pounds? No. Diabetes is a serious condition, and as this particular plan is high in sugar to give you energy, people with diabetes cannot follow this. My wedding is in three weeks. Is this diet right for me? Congratulations! This diet is perfect for you, but follow it only for 10-14 days. Also, since different diets are recommended for individuals with different medical background, age, bone health, etc., consult your doctor before starting this diet. Is this diet good for long-term weight loss? No. This diet is a low-calorie diet and will make you weak. This diet can also lead to compromised immunity.
