Both the signs cherish love and affection. The reason for this could be that they belong to the same element — Air. Those who come under this element have highly intellectual personalities and creative vibes. They strive for new knowledge and wish to bring newness in life, which is vital for any marriage to stay alive. That said, the personalities of Libra and Aquarius are significantly different, especially in the way they make decisions. While Aquarius follows the heart’s calling, Libra is indecisive (take a hint from their zodiac sign!). This is also where Aquarius can come to the rescue and help them decide which path to take. So, before making any decision, both take a long time, reducing the chances of mistakes. Confrontations in an Aquarius-Libra marriage usually remain low as they are kind-hearted. However, since both zodiac signs are not confrontational in nature, they may avoid discussing their problems. Lack of honest and open communication may result in breaking up without discussing anything. People may assume that zodiac compatibility is are all about love and marriage. Well, you would be happy to know that they can also help gauge your friendship. Libra and Gemini, with their amiable personalities, can forge deep friendly associations. Read on to know friendship shapes up in this zodiac pairing.

Libra And Aquarius Compatibility In Friendship

The air signs usually have a great friendship. They share a love for freedom, life, and intellect. Aquarius’ free-spiritedness and Libra’s need for balance find a middle ground, and they can go out to explore new things together. The signs are also hungry for knowledge and experience. When together, these excellent friends are no less than social butterflies. They will go on road trips, parties, adventures, and so on. And with each new opportunity, their bond will become stronger. However, not everything can remain rosy and dreamy. Some troubles might seep into the Aquarius-Libra friendship when the adventurous and spontaneous Aquarian takes some risky decisions. As Libras do not appreciate getting into trouble and have people-pleasing traits, they may start maintaining a distance from the Aquarian friend. They may even dissociate their names with them and choose their social standing over the friendship. The best way to deal with such a situation is to keep the communication lines open. They need to learn from each other and work together as a team. If they overcome this challenge, Libra and Aquarius can be best friends forever! This ‘forever’ part may also stand true for their romantic compatibility. Head to the next section to understand how Librans and Aquarians handle relationships.

Libra And Aquarius Love Compatibility

Since Libra and Aquarius are air signs, they can forge a beneficial partnership. They admire each other and do not shy away from efforts. These signs are not takers but givers, and that is an essential part of any romantic relationship. Libra loves when Aquarius takes charge of the situation according to their innate nature. If they have an instant connection and everything goes well, you may even call them soulmates. Aquarius gets attracted to emotional liberty and security with Libra, while Libra gets balance and harmony from Aquarius. They are like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together. Gender-wise, the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Libra man in love is excellent. Of course, there can be a difference, but it is all about the balance in the end. Below are different Libra and Aquarius pairings you may want to check out:

Libra Man + Aquarius Woman

This is an interesting pairing. The compatibility between an Aquarius woman and a Libra man revolves around their ability to understand each other. As mentioned before, Aquarius can be a bit unpredictable, and that can irritate Libra at times. Aquarius women can also be pushy and go after things they want. When a Libra man feels he is not in authority, he can become passive-aggressive. So, they need to talk and sort things out to have a peaceful relationship.

Libra Woman + Aquarius Man

When you have an Aquarius man and a Libra woman, expect a lot of similarities in intellect, values, and trust. They both love new challenges and make great travel buddies. But the struggle might come in the bedroom. A Libra woman is shy, while Aquarius loves experimentation. In short, they can work on their communication and see how they can make each other comfortable. If it is taken care of, a Libra woman and an Aquarius man are pretty compatible.

Libra Woman + Aquarius Woman

When Librans are in love, they want to feel loved a lot. This can bring some tension in their relationship as the Aquarius woman cherishes her space and solitude. On the other hand, the Aquarius woman’s love for independence and freedom might make the Libra woman insecure as she feels neglected. Power struggles and arguments may seep in due to these issues. However, when they open the communication channels, there is nothing they cannot work through together.

Libra Man + Aquarius Man

Like most relationships, the affair between a Libra man and an Aquarius man will also have its ups and downs. The Aquarius would want space, and since Librans are known to be people pleasers, they will do whatever it takes to make their partner happy. But this settlement cannot go on for long as the Libra man will become passive-aggressive. To keep the relationship intact, they need to talk things out. Honest and open communication plays an important role in keeping the Libra-Aquarius relationship afloat. Let’s find out the pros and cons of this alliance to understand if it is worth being in this relationship.

Pros And Cons Of Libra-Aquarius Union


Both of them can create a love story with their love, affection, romance, and, of course, crystal-clear understanding! Libra and Aquarius know how to put effort into a relationship and what all is required to sustain their alliance. They grasp each other’s points of view and respect them. Both the signs are also passionate about bringing good change in society, and they can work as a team in this shared goal. The intellectual connection between Librans and Aquarians is just amazing. They can associate at a different level altogether and talk about anything at length. Libra and Aquarius motivate each other for new experiences and passion for life. It helps them keep the relationship alive.


Aquarians are upfront and spontaneous as opposed to Librans, who are people pleasers and do not do things to put their image down in front of others. It can cause trouble in their paradise when it comes to making important decisions. Aquarius loves their independence a lot, even more than their partner at times. So, compromising their space might make them salty and hamper their equation with Libra. Libra can also find Aquarius quite reckless and hasty. They don’t understand why Aquarians need to do everything spontaneously without giving it proper thought and time. Simultaneously, the pressure from their partner also irritates them. Aquarians are a bit commitment-phobic, and they take a lot of time to settle down. It can affect their relationship if Libras don’t understand their concerns. Aquarians may consider Libras to be excessively indifferent to their inner world, ideas and plans.

Who should an Aquarius marry? The Aquarius should marry someone who gets their zeal for life. Aquarians are an intelligent and logical bunch who hate the idea of a stagnant life. They are open-minded, creative, and enjoy exploring new possibilities. A partner that understands, appreciates, and accompanies Aquarius in their adventurous experiments would make a good spouse for them. What is Libra’s weakness? Libra is an extremely social and friendly sign that helps them make connections quite easily, though they can seem unstable. They tend to be indecisive and get so diplomatic sometimes that it might be hard for others to understand the real deal about them. This also makes them vulnerable to become prey to those seeking to take advantage of them. They will be happy with partners who can keep them grounded and bring out the honesty in them. Are Aquarius and Libra good in bed? Aquarius and Libra are amazing in bed together. The experimental Aquarius finds an exciting partner in the Libra who loves to please. Additionally, both signs are known to be extremely intelligent and their physical union can also be a seductive dance of their psyches.