What Is A Moisturizing Oil?

Moisturizing oils are also known as penetrating oils as they penetrate the outer layers of the hair and access its inner layers. They preserve moisture inside the hair shaft (1). This makes hair significantly more resilient and resistant to breakage. The following are the types of moisturizing oils.

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil contains several essential nutrients, including biotin, and vitamins A and E (2). It offers your scalp antioxidant protection and also may help fight dandruff. It also helps reduce hair breakage and frizz.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil reduces hair breakage and is also a good natural scalp (skin) moisturizer (3).

Olive Oil

Olive oil not only moisturizes your hair but also boosts hair shine. Additionally, it reduces hair breakage and can even help reduce split ends (4). It also could treat hair frizz and make detangling easy. How To Use?  The best ways to apply moisturizing oils are as follows:


Pre-poo refers to the activity of applying oil before you shampoo. This has a number of advantages. It adds a significant amount of extra moisture to your hair. It also softens your hair and boosts hair shine.

Oil Rinse

This method refers to washing your hair with a mixture of oil and conditioner. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp and retain it for a while. Wash as usual.

What Is A Sealing Oil?

While moisturizing oils penetrate the hair layers, sealing oils stay on top of the hair and seal its inherent moisture. The following are the types of sealing oils.

Grapeseed Oil

People with thin hair generally prefer grapeseed oil. The oil has low viscosity (5). It is light and does not weigh your hair down.

Jamaican Black Castor Oil

Jamaican black castor oil is an excellent option if your hair is thick or curly. It has a high consistency and coats hair significantly.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil helps clean the scalp and its anti-inflammatory properties may help prevent any scalp issues (4). Its consistency is similar to that of natural oils. How To Use? The best way to apply sealing oils is as follows:

After Your Leave-In Conditioner

You may apply a sealing oil after and over your leave-in conditioner. The oil sits on top of the hair strands and adds shine. It also eliminates the necessity for additional hair products. These oils also help remove hair frizz. Is argan oil a sealing oil or moisturizing oil? Argan oil is both a sealing and moisturizing oil. It implies that it can seal the strand on the surface while also penetrating the hair. Can you mix moisturizing and sealing oils? Yes, if your hair has a coarser texture, it is more prone to dry out quicker. Hence, you can apply a combination of moisturizing and sealing oils in addition to your other products to help preserve moisture. Is shea butter a moisturizer or sealant? Shea butter is considered a sealant because it is made mainly of oils. These oils don’t add water or additional moisture. Instead, they keep the moisture in your skin. Hence, shea butter works best as a sealant when applied after a water-based product. It can be applied to both skin and hair. Is tea tree oil a moisturizer or sealant? Tea tree oil is a natural moisturizer and conditioner. It removes any substances that make the scalp dry up and flake. Is apricot oil a moisturizer or sealant? Apricot oil can be used as a sealant as its light nature is excellent for sealing in moisture.
