What Is Scabies?

This is an extremely contagious skin disease caused by noxious mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites burrow underneath your skin, giving you rashes that itch like hell. When underneath your skin, these mites dig tunnels (yes!) and deposit their eggs into them. And this is how the disease spreads all over your body if left untreated. Now you understand why I called it distressing. But luckily, there’s one thing that can help you get rid of these mites easily. And that’s neem oil. This oil is considered the best for scabies treatment as it is natural and good for your skin. I am not claiming this! Research and studies say so. Check it out right here.

Neem Oil: How It Helps In Killing Scabies Mites

The chloroform extracts in neem oil were found to be extremely effective in killing Sarcoptes scabiei (1). Neem oil contains octadecanoic acid-3 and 4-tetrahydrofuran diester. These two compounds were found to be extremely potent in killing the scabies mites. Scientists found that these compounds interfered with the metabolism of Sarcoptes scabiei and caused death (2). A study investigating the effect of neem seed extract shampoo on Sarcoptes scabiei infested dogs found that topical application of the shampoo healed the dogs completely. It cleared adult mites as well as the mites that were in their developmental stages (3). A study published in Tropical and Geographical Medicine explored the effectiveness of neem and turmeric paste on scabies. The study involved 814 people. In 97% of the cases, the infestation was cured within 3 to 15 days. Also, no toxic or negative effects were observed (4).

Convincing enough? Yes, I guess! Now, let’s look at a few ways you can use neem oil for scabies.

How To Use Neem Oil For Scabies Treatment

In case you have a minor infestation (just in one or two localized spots), or if scabies has just emerged, you may try the following remedies:

1. Directly Applying Neem Seed Oil

Pure neem oil Clean cloth

Note: You may buy pure neem oil from the market. Or you can extract it from the neem seeds. Crush the seeds and put them in a cloth pouch or bag. Hang it over a jar or container (for holding the oil). Add water to the cloth bag (just a bit at a time) and collect the extract in the jar.

2. Neem And Coconut Oil

1 teaspoon coconut oil (unrefined) 1 tablespoon neem oil

Note: The amount of neem oil should always be double the amount of coconut oil you are using. For major and severe infestation, use neem oil in the following ways:

3. Neem Oil Bath

3-4 tablespoons neem oil 2 tablespoons liquid soap

4. Neem Oil Soap

Note: Use measuring cups to make this DIY soap.

5. Neem Oil And Turmeric

6. Neem Oil Balm

7. Neem Body Mask

8. Neem Oil And Aloe Vera

2 tablespoons aloe vera gel 1 tablespoon neem oil 2-3 drops clove oil

Can we mix neem oil and tea tree oil for scabies? Yes, applying a mixture of neem oil and tea tree oil can help get rid of scabies. The antipruritic, antibacterial, acaricidal, and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil make it an excellent ingredient to fight infection (5). Can I put neem oil directly on the skin? Yes, you can put neem oil directly on the skin. However, dilute it with water or essential oil if you have sensitive skin. Can we use neem oil and clove oil for scabies? Yes, the acaricidal activity of clove oil may help treat scabies (6). Therefore, you may mix neem oil with clove oil to get rid of scabies.
