Sagittarius Woman: Likes And Dislikes


A Sagittarian woman is the textbook example of the term ‘wanderlust’. She enjoys traveling to places that are not often visited, like the offbeat road in a village or a less popular tourist location that isn’t very crowded. She likes her freedom to do things she wants, make her theories, create her philosophies, and write her destiny. She prefers being outdoors playing a sport to sitting home any day. It is very important for her to develop in what she loves. She has various hobbies and is always happy to support any idea.


What Sagittarians hate is the feeling of being restrained or told what to do. They hate being controlled and asked to compromise on things that they don’t agree with. So, they stay away from people who are clingy, especially those who keep asking for details or pry into their lives more than they are ready to share. Off-the-wall theories annoy them to their limit, and therefore, explaining themselves is the last thing they will ever do. She is blunt, loves honesty, and speaks her mind – that’s what a Sagittarius woman is. If you want her to trust you, be more friendly and kind than romantic. Do not try to sugar-coat things by lying. Remember, a Sagittarius woman can take her own time to trust someone, but the wait is completely worth it. She also does not like boredom and nervousness. The more sociable, optimistic, and positive her companion is, the more she will be drawn to them.

Trust With A Sagittarius Woman

The fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) naturally get along like peas of a pod. It is the inferno burning in them that forges a cohesive bond easier than with other signs. These three signs are a perfect balance of annoying, caring, and daunting in the way they seek their adventure, passion, and competition. These are probably the best matches that they can find amongst themselves. Sagittarians are honest creatures and expect less and the same honesty and truth-seeking behavior from others. Lying, deceiving, and beating around the bush will make them never look your way again. The best way to get to know the truth about a Sagittarius is to ask them about it directly since the gossip you might hear about them will never be the whole story. For a Sagittarian woman to trust you, always speak the truth. However cruel or harsh it may be, the truth is the only path to gain their trust rather than lying. Sagittarian women entertain sudden changes and impromptu plans. They are dynamic and always ready to move on from a distrustful person. They always have their options open and hold every decision in the palm of their hands. But once they find a person they trust wholeheartedly, they will never let them go. The following section reveals secret facts you need to know about a Sagittarius woman. Scroll down to check out what they are.

Understanding A Sagittarius Woman

The Sagittarius zodiac is also known as “The Archer,” representing their spirit of getting what they aim for. It also reflects their need to quench their curiosity and to understand. They don’t stop until they find the answers they seek. So, understanding them might be compared to chasing the clouds. Leg work won’t intimidate this bundle of energy if a Sagittarian’s goal is within their sight. Accept that Sagittarian women are naturally adventurous and spontaneous. They are attracted to thrill and are ready to push themselves to the edge of the cliff just to feel the exhilaration. Unfortunately, they get high off the adrenaline rush and can be very impatient and impulsive.

Dating A Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarians are naturally compatible with Leo and Aries. Another addition to this list is Gemini. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn are not the best when we talk about compatibility with Saggitarius. Sagittarian women are passionate about their curiosity. So, if you want to woo a Sag woman, you will have to make her curious about you and what you are ready to offer in the relationship. You need to make her laugh, be playful, and be able to handle their teasing. She is also instinctively flirty, easygoing, friendly, and humorous. Try to make sure you have the energy to keep up with a Sagittarius woman and not cling to her. And oh, always be ready to take off to whatever he next travel destination may be.

Sagittarius Woman In Bed

Sagittarians are always full of energy, and they are very active in bed. Their curiosity will never stop them from trying new things. They often associate love with sex and are very open and direct when talking about physical intimacy. They are passionate but dislike a partner who is too possessive about them. Sex with a Sagittarian woman will not be heated and fervid. She craves the feeling of an adrenaline rush and the satisfying exhaustion that follows, so don’t be surprised if you have to stay up all night! If you want to spice up the relationship, she might be open to pushing boundaries, kinks, trying out a risky lifestyle, or dating multiple people. (We would recommend asking and having a talk about it. Consent, ladies and gentlemen, is important for everything).

Sagittarius Woman In Love

Sagittarians can be passion-craving, truth-seeking, and adventure-hunting, but they lack a proper understanding of how emotions are portrayed. This might come across as being unreceptive or oblivious to tapping into another’s emotions. They are not easily open to the idea of commitment. This may be attributed to their flawed manner of expressing emotions. Sagittarian women can also never be ‘just a housewife.’ They are attracted to earning money to build their luxury and status. They don’t usually rely on anyone. Therefore, if you see a Sagittarian woman bending to someone’s will, she is definitely in love. She might confuse friendship as love – another downfall of not distinguishing emotions – and she falls quickly. Sagittarius women are putty in the hand of the person they love – like a cat that’s ready to cuddle you, after many tries and building a trusting relationship (without scratching your face off). She will shift her focus on the person she loves, give them undivided attention, express her love directly, and be completely involved in your life. She will be friends with your friends; she will be the friend for you that you can rely on. A Saggitarius woman will be your knight in shining armor, making you feel safe and secure. She will be everything you can hope for and more. The Sagittarian woman refuses to sit back, waiting on her toes for her man to come and ask for her hand. Instead, she will be at the forefront, taking the decisions in her own hands. A Sagittarian woman embodies the Goddess of the hunt, Artemis, aiming for her prey from a distance. She won’t stop until she catches her prey. But unlike the Virgin Goddess, Sagittarians do fall for a man they chose as suitable to be their equal. Sagittarius women have an intense and dedicated personality. They are usually calm and composed but can become fire-breathing dragons if you offend them.

Sagittarius Woman Behavior

A Sagittarius woman is a heathen when it comes to following schedules. A schedule to a Sagittarius is like putting a restraint on a free spirit – they just escape. They make plans the way it suits them, so beware of a sudden plan to travel to an unknown destination or going off-trail on a planned vacation. She is versatile and thrives off the attention she gets when she steps into a room – that is her way of charging herself and socializing. She keeps hopping from one friend circle to the other and is the life-of-the-party. That is how you spot a Sagittarius among a sea of zodiac sign. What is a Sagittarius woman’s weakness? Understanding a Sagittarius woman is like chasing the clouds on a stormy night. She is a bundle of curious and mysterious energy. So, if you want to impress a Sag woman, playfully gain her trust and make her laugh. Sag women believe in individual identity, personal independence, and self-centeredness. They are emotionally intelligent and mercilessly take what they deserve with resilience and thoughtful minds. Sagittarius women may act unplanned at times, and they are also too idealistic at times. What are the 3 types of Sagittarius? The 3 types of Sagittarius are: • The extra adventurous • The philosophical • The humorist