What Is Strep Throat?

Also known as Streptococcal pharyngitis or streptococcal sore throat, it is the inflammation of the throat caused by a bacterial infection. While strep throat affects people of all ages, it is commonly seen in children between the ages of 5 and15 years. Highly infectious, strep throat can be spread through air droplets when a person sneezes or coughs. It can also spread through contact with infected surfaces such as doorknobs, utensils, etc. Not sure whether you have a simple sore throat or strep throat? Let’s check out the difference between the two in the next section.

Sore Throat Vs. Strep Throat – Key Comparisons

Before we delve into the comparison of both these conditions, there is one key difference you must keep in mind. A strep throat may present sore throat as one of its symptoms, but a sore throat may also be caused due to a variety of factors.

Symptoms & Signs

The table below gives you a clear idea of the symptoms of both sore throat and strep throat (1), (2). In the next season of this article, we closely examine the causes behind the two conditions.


Strep throat is caused by a specific strain of bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes or group A. Streptococcus (GAS). On the contrary, sore throat can be caused by any of the following factors:

Viral Infections – Research suggests that most upper respiratory tract infections result in sore throat ( 3). Rhinovirus, adenovirus, and influenza are some of the common viruses that cause infections and are commonly transmitted during winters (1). Allergies –  When a person comes in contact with common allergens such as pollen, food, or pet dander, it results in a wide variety of symptoms such as sore throat, nasal congestion, hives, trouble breathing, and sore throat (4). Dry and Cold Air– Exposure to cold and dry air leads to moisture being sucked out of the mouth and throat. This leaves a person’s throat feeling dry and sore (5). Environmental Irritants – Pollution, chemical irritants, and tobacco smoke may make your throat feel dry and sore (6). Injury – Sustaining any injury or trauma to your throat may result in your throat feeling irritated. Getting food stuck in your throat or yelling repeatedly may also overstrain the vocal cords, leading to soreness in your throat.

To alleviate discomfort from some of the symptoms of sore or strep throat, jump over to the next section and find a few different home remedies you can try.

Home Remedies For Strep Throat And Sore Throat

You can try any of the following remedies to help reduce the discomfort in your throat:

Get as much rest as possible. Drink lots of water to reduce the dryness and dehydration in your throat. Drink warm liquids such as lemon or ginger tea. Gargle with lukewarm salt water to help reduce the soreness (7). Suck on throat lozenges and candies to avoid dehydration. Take over-the-counter pain medications such as Ibuprofen or Advil.

If home remedies don’t work for you, then consulting a healthcare professional is the next step.

When To See A Doctor

Consult your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms with your sore throat:

You have had a high fever for more than two days. Presence of white patches inside your throat. Extreme discomfort and soreness in your throat. A swollen throat that makes it difficult to swallow or breathe.

Along with looking at the symptoms, your doctor may recommend some tests to confirm whether your sore throat is caused due to strep throat or some other infection. Let’s take a detailed look at what you may expect at the doctor’s office.

Diagnosis- Strep Throat Vs. Sore Throat

The first step of diagnosis for sore throat involves the doctor conducting a physical examination of your throat to check for swollen lymph nodes and inflammation. Your doctor may also ask for the history of symptoms to get a better idea. In order to find out more, your doctor may suggest any of the following tests for strep throat.

Rapid Strep Test – Your doctor takes a swab sample from the back of your throat and examines it for the presence of A. Streptococcus. If the result is negative, your doctor will send the sample back for a culture test. Throat Culture Test – The swab sample taken from the rapid strep test is taken back to the laboratory to determine the exact cause of sore throat.

Once the source is determined, your doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.

Medical Treatment Options

In most cases, a sore throat or strep throat may resolve on its own within a week. But if it doesn’t, you can go to the doctor who can prescribe the following medications for relief.

Antibiotics – Since strep throat is caused due to a bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to treat it. These medications inhibit and reduce the spread of the bacteria and its symptoms. Amoxicillin and penicillin are the most common antibiotics prescribed for strep throat. If you are allergic to both, then your doctor may prescribe azithromycin for the same. Strep infections clear within 3 to 5 days after beginning antibiotic treatment. It is vital that you complete the course of treatment to avoid relapse of the infection. Corticosteroids And NSAIDs – If your sore throat is due to a viral infection, consuming these medications may reduce the fever and pain (8).

Besides being easily treatable, sore throat and strep throat are easily preventable conditions. Let’s check out the next section to see how you can avoid them.

How To Prevent Sore Throat And Strep Throat

You can lower the risk of developing strep throat and sore throat by following these simple tips.

Regularly wash your hands to avoid infection. Avoid sharing food with someone who has strep throat. Wash your hands before eating your food. Do not share utensils and personal items with the infected individual. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. Avoid contact with triggers or allergens. Cover your mouth and nose with a mask to avoid environmental pollutants. Drink warm water every day to keep your throat hydrated. Eat food that boosts your immune system to reduce the risk of developing an infection. Limit or avoid smoking to prevent a sore throat.

To Sum It Up

Strep throat vs. sore throat is a common query as both conditions exhibit similar symptoms. However, a few key points make it easy to tell them apart. For instance, the presence of fever along with white spots in your throat are common symptoms of strep throat. While a sore throat is a symptom of strep throat, sore throat may also be due to a viral infection, allergies, or pollutants. Gargling with saltwater, sucking on lozenges, and drinking warm liquids are some of the best home remedies for relieving a sore throat. But if these tips fail to do so, medications prescribed by the doctor are the best way to treat your sore throat. What is worse, strep throat or sore throat? Strep throat may cause more severe symptoms than a sore throat. It may also lead to complications such as kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever if left untreated. Can I have strep without a fever? Yes. While fever is a common symptom of strep throat, you may not present with it. However, if you have strep throat, you are contagious even if you do not have a fever
