What Is Rice Flour?

The rice flour that you buy from a local store can contain these parts in different proportions. If the packaging says it is “whole grain flour”, the flour has all three elements in the powder. However, most flours on the market are made of white rice that contains only the endosperm. However, these processed grain flours also seem to offer skin benefits. Let us now explore the benefits of rice flour for skin.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Rice Flour On Skin?

The use of rice flour on skin has been a treasured beauty secret of the women in Japan, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries. In the current times, South Korean beauty brands have brought the goodness of rice to the fore. Here is how using rice flour for the face can be beneficial to you:

May Protect The Skin From Sun Damage

There is a common perception that rice protects the skin against the sun’s harmful radiation. This could be due to a few compounds in rice, like ferulic acid and para-aminobenzoic acid (or PABA), which are also used in sunscreens. However, there is not enough research to support this claim. Some experts believe that the concentration of these compounds in rice flour is not enough to protect the skin against UV rays. PABA promotes cell regrowth and can help repair the damage caused by the sun (1). Ferulic acid, on the other hand, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (2).

May Exfoliate Your Skin

Rice flour can also be used a facial scrub (3). When you apply it to your skin, it can help remove dead cells and reduce the signs of aging. Phytic acid is an antioxidant alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) but is gentler on the skin when compared to other similar compounds.

May Help Treat Acne And Dark Spots

The phytic acid in rice flour may help treat acne and post-acne inflammation. Phytic acid is used in chemical peels as it can help reduce scarring and dark spots after acne (4). However, it could work only in the cases of mild to moderate acne. You may have to visit your dermatologist if your acne is severe. Dr. Sanusi Umar, Board Certified Dermatologist, says, “Rice flour is rich in vitamin E that has antioxidant properties. So, any topicals with it in their ingredient list will be useful if want to achieve a brighter complexion.”

May Help Remove Excess Sebum

Individuals with oily skin may benefit a good deal from rice flour. The flour has all the protein and starch removed from it and is left with only carbohydrates. When you mix it with water and apply to your skin, it could help stabilize the fat and remove excess sebum from your skin. However, more information is warranted in this regard.

May Help With Wound Healing

Rice is believed to have been used in Ayurveda for healing wounds. There is some research suggesting that rice bran proteins may help with wound closure by promoting the spread of skin cells (5). These are a few important benefits of rice. In the following section, we tell you how you can incorporate it into your skin care regimen.

How Can You Use Rice Flour For Face?

Here are a few simple DIY rice flour face packs that you can whip up at home.

  1. Rice Flour With Oats And Honey Ingredients

One tablespoon of rice flour One teaspoon of oats One teaspoon of honey Two teaspoons of milk

Instructions How To Use It 2. Rice Flour And Tomato Juice Ingredients

One tablespoon of rice flour Juice of one tomato One teaspoon of olive oil

Instructions Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and adjust the consistency to make a thick paste. How To Use It 3. Rice Flour And Corn Flour Ingredients

Two tablespoons of rice flour One tablespoon of corn flour Two teaspoons of cold milk


  1. Mix both the flours in a bowl and add milk. 2. You can also add a few drops of honey to the recipe. How To Use It
  2. Rice Flour And Aloe Vera Ingredients

One tablespoon of rice flour One teaspoon of aloe vera gel One teaspoon of honey

Instructions How To Use It 5. Rice Flour And Green Tea Ingredients

One bag of green tea Two tablespoons of rice flour One teaspoon of lemon juice

Instructions How To Use It 6. Rice Flour, Cream, And Turmeric Ingredients

One tablespoon of rice flour Two teaspoons of fresh cream A pinch of turmeric

Instructions How To Use It 7. Rice Flour And Castor Oil Ingredients

One tablespoon of rice flour One tablespoon of rose water 2 to 3 drops of castor oil

Instructions How To Use It Including rice flour in your skin care regimen is quite simple. But can those with sensitive skin use it? Does rice flour cause any side effects?

Are There Any Disadvantages Of Using Rice Flour On The Face?

Rice flour is a natural ingredient and contains only starch. As it does not contain any irritating chemicals, you can rest assured that it is safe to be used on sensitive skin. However, it is always advisable to do a patch test before using any product on your skin for the first time. While there are no observed side effects of using rice flour, there are times when you may not get the desired results.

When Does Rice Flour Not Work?

The compounds in rice flour, like ferulic and phytic acids, are used in commercial skin care products. However, there is no evidence to support the concentration of these elements in packaged rice flour. While you can make an extract by soaking rice flour in water for a couple of hours, you can never know the concentration of these active compounds. Moreover, the quality of packaged rice may differ too. Due to this reason, rice flour may not work for all the same way. That said, using it doesn’t seem to cause any harm. But how often can you use it?

Can Rice Flour Be Used On The Face Daily?

Yes. As rice flour is natural and does not irritate the skin, you can use it on your face daily. However, you may want to use organic rice flour to ensure it is free from pesticides and other harmful elements that may otherwise irritate your skin. Dr. Anna Chacon, MD, FAAD, says, “You can combine rice flour with other natural ingredients to achieve glowing skin and address various skin concerns like dark circles, acne, and blemishes.” Is rice flour harsh on the skin? No. Rice flour exfoliates and brightens the skin without irritating it. However, ensure to use it in limited quantities, not more than once or twice a week. How long does rice flour take to brighten the skin? You must use rice flour for a month to see any visible effects. Can I leave the rice flour mask overnight? No. Avoid leaving a DIY rice flour mask on your face overnight as it may lead to over-exfoliation. You should not leave it on your face for more than 20-30 minutes. Can I use rice flour and curd on my face daily? No. Since rice flour has a slight abrasive texture and exfoliates the skin, using it every day may lead to over-exfoliation. This may irritate the skin.
